Beta Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi
@Doctor Eggs I've review the current AEL code. Here you have a list of all the properties currently set by AEL.

AEL_Content has the value of 'launchers' in the addon root and inside a category window, and the value 'roms' when you are viewing the ROMs inside a launcher (either real or virtual). The other properties (AEL_InFav, AEL_MultiDisc, etc.) are set for each ROM in the ListItem.

Currently, in a category/launcher view (AEL_Content = 'launchers') there is no way to differentiate between a Category, Standalone Launcher and ROM Launcher so a new property is needed so the skin can change the view on the fly. Additionally, AEL 0.10.0 will introduce new types of launchers (for example, AML imported virtual launcher). Also, I will code another property NumItems applicable to ROM launchers.

Again, please give some time. I will design and code the new properties and also will update the AEL file.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi - by Wintermute0110 - 2018-05-23, 11:51
Can You create A Sub Category? - by Wild_Tom - 2020-07-13, 04:43
Crash & Lost my launchers? - by eirrocmh - 2020-11-29, 02:25
RE: Crash & Lost my launchers? - by eirrocmh - 2020-12-19, 00:19
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Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi12