Win HOW TO - Configure a Logitech Harmony Remote for Kodi
I have an ehome device. I do already have MCE keyboard device loaded, as well as a few other microsoft device profiles, but the trouble is no one profile has all the buttons I need - for example, the keyboard profile at the least lacks the Red, Green, Blue, Yellow buttons, all control characters, and I would guess more.   

I am (now) using a 350 and the myharmony app - the only option AFAIK -, which doesn't allow me to configure an activity where buttons from different devices are active in the activity.  I've gone through at least 3 600 series remotes over the years with the old app, and that _was_ something that one could do.

So it's the age old problem with harmony's, that one is often reduced to buying some other kind of learning remote to transfer codes around easily.  (Complicated by the fact that the convenient IR recording device I have, a broadlink rm mini 3, doesn't seem to correctly record the colored MCE functions).

Even if I could (I can beat one of my old broken 600's into service, and painfully use that to teach codes, having to assign them first isn't a walk in the park) provide the codes, now the bug in the myharmony app that won't allow me to assign a function to the two buttons means that I have to recreate the whole device profile, starting from nearly scratch.  

To avoid spending several hours learning codes to an old remote, creating a new device profile, and writing those codes in, I'd really just like to fix this stupid stupid bug that won't allow me to write a function to the two colored buttons I reset. :/  And if I do have to create a new device, it would be fantastic if harmony had improved their software at all in the last ten years. :/  They haven't.

EDIT: Here's the bug I am experiencing in the myharmony app that I posted about elsewhere.  After resetting the two colored buttons, no function can be assigned.


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RE: HOW TO - Configure a Logitech Harmony Remote for Kodi - by bluenote - 2018-07-22, 18:42
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