AMLogic - try and fix your Audio and Video playback problems.
If you are watching Live TV using the inbuilt K1 Pro tuner then it is interlaced video content.
Interlaced video content is a problem for AMLogic Android devices for about 2 years now, it only outputs half motion 25fps deinterlaced video when using Kodi Krypton onwards.

It is also common with some IPTV services to only stream in 25fps which is too slow for fast sports action.

You can try using the SPMC App (Kodi Jarvis) but the ultimate solution would be to run CoreELEC Kodi from a Samsung EVO microSDHC card and use the TvHeadend server, installed from the CE repository to tune TV stations using the inbuilt TV tuner.


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RE: AMLogic - try and fix your Audio and Video playback problems. - by wrxtasy - 2018-12-15, 03:00
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