v17 Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork
(2018-12-28, 13:38)Slipass Wrote: Hello, Kodi hasn't been able to scrape extrathumbs for some time.
I just noticed that today

It used to download up 4 extra fanart# images but it looks like it's been about a month since the last time it actually added some

Edit: It has still been adding movieset fanart# images just not movie/tv images like it used too. The last fanart# image it added as on the 17th Nov i think there's been one? update since then maybe that caused it

Messages In This Thread
Artwork Helper version 0.7.0 - by rmrector - 2016-10-11, 11:30
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RE: Artwork Beef Context Menu - by berkhornet - 2018-09-25, 11:49
RE: Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork - by komplex - 2018-12-28, 17:21
Artwork changing by itself - by crazyhands911 - 2020-05-18, 00:24
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