Win HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players
(2019-01-30, 13:09)1900davide Wrote: hi, nice guide.

i have a 8700k and 1070 founder, what are the best settings?
because my gpu work at 75% and 70°C with my choices

reducing banding artifact high
sharpen edges 0.1
thin edges 0.1
adaptive sharpen 0.1
anti rolling filter
lanczos 4taps anti-riging
for all

Your settings don't make any sense to me. Lanczos can be run on an Intel iGPU and all of those sharpening shaders shouldn't add too much overhead.

I would upscale with NGU Sharp high with high-quality content and check some of the sharpening shaders, but not all of them. Maybe start with crispen edges or sharpen edges and see if you need anything more. I wouldn't use debanding at high, maybe medium or low. You will lose too much image detail at high. Lanczos 4 taps is sharp but will cause terrible ringing artifacts.

There are no best settings. Use whatever you want.

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no image doubling tap - by oxynaz - 2016-12-13, 13:44
RE: HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players - by Warner306 - 2019-01-30, 15:49
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HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players5