Advanced MAME Launcher - MAME frontend for Kodi
@Dax9 Thanks a lot for your contribution. And your Python code is fine Big Grin

The crash was caused because when you change the settings of the addon Kodi does not delete the old settings. In my development machine the old setting was there and hence AML didn't crash unless you started with a fresh installation.

I have already incorporated you changes relating the database cache and the crash when generating the MAME database.

The reason for including Samples 1 and Samples 2 paths is that MAME includes 2 set of uncompressed samples on its installation directory, named floppy and MM1_keyboard. These samples are used with 3 machines and cause the ROM audit to fail for these machines. Currently, ROMs and Samples must be zipped in order for AML to work. I am now testing the audit engine with a 0.206 complete ROM set. Samples 1 directory is for the Sample ZIP files you download from progretto-SNAPS and Samples 2 is the samples directory in your MAME installation dir. I will notify here when the audit is working OK so you can test.

Another current problem is that the some Software Lists include ROMs with non-ASCII characters. Since the ZIP standard does not define an official encoding for filenames this is a major problem because file names are not UTF-8 encoded (UTF-8 didn't exist when the ZIP file format was created) and it is very difficult to know the encoding of a string. I am currently investigating this issue now and probably will open an issue in the MAME repository in Github.

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RE: Advanced MAME Launcher - MAME frontend for Kodi - by Wintermute0110 - 2019-03-14, 08:11
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Advanced MAME Launcher - MAME frontend for Kodi2