Win HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players
PC or Game mode may give you 4:4:4 chroma, but it can come with some tradeoffs. 

I would first test for 4:4:4 chroma using this test image to determine if PC mode is even worth trying:

You can also read through the multi-page discussion on PC mode that was started at Doom9 for an LG OLED. It doesn't pertain to your display, but it can give you some idea of the potential issues with color accuracy with PC mode:

Creating a 3D LUT can have a small learning curve in knowing how to create your first profile, but it shouldn't be too difficult. Start with the instructions here:

Because a 3D LUT is a fixed curve, I'm not sure it is worth profiling the HDR mode of the display because the tone mapping curve will be static for all sources, which can make some sources too dark while clipping some others.

SDR BT.709 3D LUTs could be profiled for both PC mode and one of the video modes for a comparison of gamut accuracy.

It is recommended to use a neutral calibration at the display with a factory color temperature that is close to 6500K. Most displays can get the Delta E<1 on the color checker chart with the 3D LUT enabled. I'm not sure how well your display might compare.

If you get stuck on the 3D LUT, I would suggest creating an account at AVS Forum and posting there. One of the experts should respond.

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no image doubling tap - by oxynaz - 2016-12-13, 13:44
RE: HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players - by Warner306 - 2019-03-21, 15:03
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