Win HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players
I would like to be sure I understood. I'll explain ,  I have recently installed a second Windows 10 pro operating system on a second M2 SSD , on this new system and with the same settings as madVR and HDR , tone map HDR using pixel shader of the first Windows 10 system  , the HDR logo is displayed on the panel , where instead, as I repeat , on the old Windows 10 operating system housed on the first disk the HDR logo is NOT displayed on the OLED panel , where the contradiction lies ? I ask myself this question , In my opinion there is something wrong and I would like to understand.

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no image doubling tap - by oxynaz - 2016-12-13, 13:44
RE: HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players - by gotham_x - 2019-05-31, 14:49
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HOW TO - Set up madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players5