v17 Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork
...While I'm here, I have some Music artwork stored in the designated "Artist Information folder" and some in the music library folder itself, for all types. Is there any way to migrate pre-existing "discart" and "folder" artwork out of the "Artist Information" folder, back to the library folders with the music, while leaving all other types like "spine", "Back-cover", "fanart" images in-place? I have rules set up that seem to work in AB for new downloads, but not for pre-existing files (i.e: before I set those rules up).

Doing this manually is doable, but I'd rather avoid having to do so if possible.

Dan / Gib.

Messages In This Thread
Artwork Helper version 0.7.0 - by rmrector - 2016-10-11, 11:30
Extrafanart - by stephen147 - 2018-05-15, 20:59
RE: Artwork Beef Context Menu - by berkhornet - 2018-09-25, 11:49
RE: Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork - by gibxxi - 2019-08-18, 02:03
Artwork changing by itself - by crazyhands911 - 2020-05-18, 00:24
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