Release script.embuary.helper - a skin helper service / widgets alternative
Hi again :-)

i am here to sadly show off a bug.
I am unsure when it does change.

I got the issue that dialogcontextmenu dint get a 're-fresh' when using the 'custom dialog' option


1st Opening is always good, but second opening will have items from last opening still fetched.

e.g. 1st :  set sortorder
       2nd : set layout (the sortorder items are still there, as long as num items is not bigger than the items of previous attemt)

I tested with your embuary skin and its the same there.

i am at 18.4 Git:20190831-3ade758ceb. Platform: Windows NT x86 64-bit

Unsure if iam using right words, but may you get me.
Skins |  Titan M O D   •   S W A N (WIP)

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RE: script.embuary.helper - a skin helper service / widgets alternative - by mardukL - 2019-11-18, 16:26
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