Advanced MAME Launcher - MAME frontend for Kodi

Does the AML plugin have the ability to live call the dat informaton within Kodi? i.e. does $INFO[ListItem.Property(history)] for instance pulling information History.dat. I think I already know the answer as I have been poking around at the code and the subsequent JSON files that are generated but thought I would ask.

The "plot" variable which gets displayed has general information regarding the machine (which I am using for my skin), however the history.dat file in some cases gives background information regarding specific games (much like plot summaries for movies). Although the history dat also gives other information as well and in some cases no synopsis at all, I am interested in trying to get this information displayed.


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RE: Advanced MAME Launcher - MAME frontend for Kodi - by Rychem28 - 2020-01-13, 03:32
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Advanced MAME Launcher - MAME frontend for Kodi2