v19 Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Matrix (v19)
2020-02-28 Changed Infolabels

a small change has been made to the following infolabels, this change only applies to episodes that are specials

- ListItem.Season / Player.Season
will now return 0 instead of being empty for episodes that are specials

- ListItem.Episode / Player.Episode
will now return X instead of SX for episodes that are specials (eg. 1 instead of S1)

pull-request: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/17408
commit: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/8e64...48858ff03f
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RE: Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Matrix - by ronie - 2020-03-07, 03:31
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Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Matrix (v19)1