Beta Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi
(2020-03-06, 16:57)Wintermute0110 Wrote: Announcement of release 0.9.9-beta

The code in branch release-0.9.8 in Github contains now release 0.9.9-beta. You can see the changes (and plans for the future) in the changelog.txt file in Github. If you want to test this beta version install it following the instructions on the first post.

As usual, after the upgrade execute Utilities, then Check/Update all databases. The database upgrade process is not reversible, make a backup of the AEL addon data directory first if you plan to roll back to 0.9.8. Release 0.9.9-beta is pretty stable but as usual new features introduce new bugs here and there. I always try to test AEL as much as possible but the addon is huge and it is impossible to test every combination of settings and configuration in one go.

If you find a bug remember to provide a debug log following the instructions of the first post.
Thank you so much!
Just did the update and everything seems to be working very well.

Two short questions:

Is there way to change AEL default label when showing number of roms in launchers? For example, "GAMES" instead of "ROMs"

How about the default color of the same label? Can we change that somewhere, even if code or inside a AEL file?

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Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi12