v17 Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork
I'm running Kodi 17.6, Artwork Beef 0.28.1. and the Titan Skin.  I also have the same builds on multiple pcs that are all looking at a QNAP server that houses the media.

I recently added went thru and replaced the vast majority of my movies with higher quality versions and noticed artwork not appearing or different artwork than what I had for the previous copies of the films. I had been exporting the artwork when I exported my library, but I was noticing the degradation of some of the artwork and read about the cache issue and it exporting at lower quality than the original remote artwork was. So, I added Artwork Beef. I played around with the settings a little and ultimately deleted all of the exported artwork and edited my sources, which forced a clean and re-scrape of all of my libraries.  I since gone through the painstakingly slow process of going thru each show and most of the movies and re-selected the artwork that I wanted to use from the new Artwork Beef scrapes.  However,  I've noticed that a number of items, especially TV shows, have been changing posters and/or fanart after library updates are run. For instance, 3 Ninjas Kick Back used to have multiple poster options and fanart. Now i have a single poster option and no fanart. I just did a complete rescan of all files with 0 image rating, and posters set to 10 and fanart to 20. Nothing added to this movie, but the system did change the poster i had set for the original 3 Ninjas movie
 and the 3 Ninjas High Noon at Mega Mountain. This is very frustrating, as I've spent hours going thru and selecting the artwork that I want, just to have it change a few days later when I run a library update to add my new media. So,:

Is there a setting that I need to adjust to have the artwork added to the options, but not to change what is currently selected? I thought perhaps the clean existing artwork URLs or Manually select multiple images for all media types might effect this, but I'm not really sure what these options exactly do, even after reading @rmrector's descriptions on his site.
I also have a number of movies that used to have a decent selection of artwork to choose from, but now have one or no artwork options, which just seems odd.

While I'm asking questions I might as well ask for clarification on a couple of setting items:
What does the option for "Prefer "fanart" with no title" mean?
The minimum image rating slider, setting to "0" will give the most art options?
Increasing the poster, keyart and fanart sliders to 10 or 20 also gives the most art options?

Any known issues with running Artwork Beef on multiple builds sharing a media library? I typically run library updates and mess with artwork selections from 2 different builds regularly.

Messages In This Thread
Artwork Helper version 0.7.0 - by rmrector - 2016-10-11, 11:30
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RE: Artwork Beef Context Menu - by berkhornet - 2018-09-25, 11:49
Artwork changing by itself - by crazyhands911 - 2020-05-18, 00:24
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Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork5