Deprecated Extras Addon (Kodi 18/19 and on)
Thanks for taking over the maintenance of the Extras addon, your work is much appreciated.

However, I've run into the following issue whilst using the addon:

If you have a movie in a folder with special characters such as ü you will get the following error when trying to access the Extras folder from the context menu

Example: Say you have scanned the following movie into your library


When you try to access the Extras folder for this movie from the context menu you will get an error:

Checking the log it says something like:

Error Type: <type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>
Error Contents: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 23: ordinal not in range(128)

I've have version 1.3.3 for Leia installed which I believe is the latest version available.

Repeated on both Windows and Mac OS versions of Kodi 18.8

Messages In This Thread
Extras Addon (Kodi 18/19 and on) - by pkscout - 2020-08-28, 23:53
RE: Extras Addon (Kodi 18/19 and on) - by magisterv - 2020-09-09, 11:47
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