v17 Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork
(2020-09-26, 17:57)bobrap Wrote: Was hoping someone who actually has this working correctly can lend a hand.  I'm in the process of moving extrafanarts for the extrafanarts folder to to movie folder.  I thought one could download extrafanarts to the movie folder using AB.  If I select add missing artwork, everything except the fanart is downloaded.  I've added the artwork types to the advancedsettings xml.;  Any ideas/help?  Thanks.

You will need to move the images from the extrafanart directory yourself, or if you want AB to download all new fanart for a movie you need to remove ALL of your existing fanart for that movie (the 'extrafanart' directory as well as 'fanart' and any numbered fanart in the main directory).

Artwork Beef doesn't move existing local files nor is it designed to replace existing local files during the automatic process. In an effort to reduce duplicate images it is also designed not to download more numbered fanart if you already have any fanart saved locally - it cannot tell which, if any, of the fanart from the web services already exist locally.

Messages In This Thread
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RE: Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork - by rmrector - 2020-09-27, 20:57
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