Deprecated Extras Addon (Kodi 18/19 and on)
Hello everyone, i have a problem with addon Extras.

I have the following folder structure.
\\diskstation\Filme\Fifty Shades of Grey Geheimes Verlangen (2015)\VIDEO_TS\Extras\VIDEO_TS

Inside the video_ts folder is the content of the bonus dvd.

if i click on "Extras" i get an error.

Here the logfile

Also i have the following advancedsettings.xml in the userdata folder.


What do i wrong?


Messages In This Thread
Extras Addon (Kodi 18/19 and on) - by pkscout - 2020-08-28, 23:53
RE: Extras Addon (Kodi 18/19 and on) - by blacksun - 2020-10-14, 08:41
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