Kodi-send does not exist Bad interpreter Ubuntu 20.04.
I just ran into this when trying to sort why my machines wouldn't shut down with my script.

On Ubuntu 20.04 Python is linked a different way than before in /usr/bin. Both python2.* and python3.* are linked to python2, and python 3 respectively. The kodi-send command is looking for python. As such I got the topic error on trying to fire it. I created a symlink from python2 > python under /usr/bin/ and solved the issue.

I'm unsure how to file this as a bug report as filing an issue asks for much more information than is needed, most of it not showing any problems. The problem is in the symlinks in /usr/bin/ on Focal, or lack thereof.

The only reason I know this is a change in 20.04 is that I just recently upgraded myself from 18.04. My script hasn't changed so it had to be the 20.04 change.

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Kodi-send does not exist Bad interpreter Ubuntu 20.04. - by jmgibson1981 - 2020-11-04, 20:41
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Kodi-send does not exist Bad interpreter Ubuntu 20.04.0