Beta Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi
(2021-01-20, 06:48)Wintermute0110 Wrote: One possible solution is to create a shell script to use a program like xdotool. With xdotool you can control the windows from the command line. If you get into trouble use sleep to wait some time between commands, sometimes if the commands execute very fast you run into race conditions.
Well, maybe that's not exactly what you had in mind, but I had my standalone games as a .sh anyways since most of them needed to be launched from wine, so I simply added a line on the launch script to start the problematic game, wait 2 seconds, call xdotool keydown alt and tab, wait 2 seconds, then release alt. Not sure if it's the best way to do it but hey, works for me! Turns out this xdotool is really cool, I'm now thinking about using the search function on libxdo to automatically close steam/uplay/random DRM client after I close a game so it doesn't keep eating those 200 MB of my RAM for no reason at all. Thanks for the help mate!

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Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi12