Solved [v19] Fanart-View missing in Rapier 12.2.26
(2021-03-30, 23:01)Reelyator Wrote: what is the benefit of using the Universal Movie Scraper against the (default) TMDB Scraper in the new Python version? Up to now i used the TMDB Scraper and named all folders exactly like on TMDB wich let to pretty reliable results together with the "Movies are in folders that match the Movie Title" option.

I don't think TMDB Scraper will download clearlogo/clearart.
Universal Movie/Artist Scraper will do that if set in the settings. It's also much more detailed.

When you enable movie/tv show clearlogo/clearart and artist clearlogo every item needs to be rescraped.

Naming should be the same for Universal scrapers.

(2021-03-30, 23:01)Reelyator Wrote: Today i tested the new Fanart View again on another device with TV Shows and Music and the problem with the missing title (Movie, Artist, TV Show sesm to be pretty wide spread,

The place at the bottom is for clearlogo.
So you need to add that for all your items.

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RE: Fanart-View missing in Rapier 12.2.26 - by Gade - 2021-03-30, 23:48
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[v19] Fanart-View missing in Rapier 12.2.260