Release Kodi Matrix UWP Xbox v19.1 Preview

I can help too a little bit.

I have a developer account.
I can reproduce the 4k "out of memory" problem with current released Kodi Xbox version on Microsoft Store.
I have a Xbox One on a 720p not-hdr lcd tv.
I have also a Xbox Series X on a 4k hdr oled tv.
Both of them running Kodi with a collection of 1000+ videos and movies (including 1080p and 4k videos with and without hdr) on smb and dlna shares (including nfo/poster/fanart files).


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Kodi Matrix UWP Xbox v19.1 Preview - by jogal - 2021-04-28, 00:21
RE: Kodi Matrix UWP Xbox v19.1 Preview - by Chicopower - 2021-04-28, 02:48
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