Beta Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi
Hello all,

I have a question. I am running Krypton and Advanced launcher (or an older program launcher) that is working fine. But I have trouble adding an Epic Store game. The shortcut is a URL (and gives error when run inside the addon) and by running the .exe (NBA 2k21) it doesn't load past the loading screen (it has to be launched by the URL shortcut). Does AEL support url shortcuts?

Messages In This Thread
Can You create A Sub Category? - by Wild_Tom - 2020-07-13, 04:43
Crash & Lost my launchers? - by eirrocmh - 2020-11-29, 02:25
RE: Crash & Lost my launchers? - by eirrocmh - 2020-12-19, 00:19
RE: Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi - by bgmordred - 2021-08-11, 15:46
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Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi12