Deprecated Extras Addon (Kodi 18/19 and on)
I created it by duplicating the guisettings.xml that was already present in the folder (to try to avoid these issues, hoping it was already encoded in UTF-8), then wiping its contents and pasting in the advancedsettings.xml formatting. I used Windows 10's native Notepad app to edit it. Opening properties on File Explorer confirms it is an XML file. I don't know how to confirm it's in UTF-8, but I've only ever edited it in Notepad.

Messages In This Thread
Extras Addon (Kodi 18/19 and on) - by pkscout - 2020-08-28, 23:53
RE: Extras Addon (Kodi 18/19 and on) - by darkkmage - 2022-04-18, 03:56
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