Release A Confluence ZEITGEIST | 17 Krypton | 18 Leia | 19 Matrix | 20 Nexus | 21 Omega | 22
Hi, first of all, I would like to thank you for this amazing skin, I’ve been using it for years on all my devices and love it.

This weekend I’ve been forced to update my Android TV Box and start a fresh and more recent CoreELEC installation and while setting up the skin I’ve seen a detail that might be interesting to some users doing a Dual Boot on their TV Box. When changing from the oficial CoreELEC skin, the option to boot from the emmc/nand (Android) on the power menu is lost. I’ve tried to add it on my own to avoid asking it here but i still cannot manage to make the option appear in the power options menu.
I have added the following to “/720p/DialogButtonMenu.xml”, tried multiple thing with no success. 

<control type="button" id="10">
<description>Reboot to Android</description>
<texturefocus border="4">_added_img/posterwall_100x100_blue.png</texturefocus>
<texturenofocus border="4"></texturenofocus>
<onclick condition="Skin.HasSetting(ExperimentalShutdownScreen)">SetProperty(ShutdownInProgressText,$LOCALIZE[13013],home)</onclick>
<label>Reboot to Android</label>
What am I doing wrong??

As I’m witting this message, I would like to ask to bring the “List” and “Wide List” views back. I used those for nearly everything and I miss them a lot. I feel it very strange while browsing the library content as I’m a fan of the more old, clean simple lists. I’ve tried the “Enable Confluence Old Views” but I do not see those views back.

Thanks a lot.
Best regards.

Messages In This Thread
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by amikkwe - 2015-10-12, 21:22
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by axbmcuser - 2015-10-12, 22:31
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by axbmcuser - 2015-10-13, 14:20
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by chestionabil - 2015-10-13, 17:10
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by axbmcuser - 2015-10-13, 17:20
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST - by axbmcuser - 2015-10-13, 19:54
RE: A Confluence ZEITGEIST [ 17.x Krypton | 18.x Leia | 19.x Matrix | 20.x Nexus ] - by kerenmac23 - 2023-02-26, 18:56
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A Confluence ZEITGEIST | 17 Krypton | 18 Leia | 19 Matrix | 20 Nexus | 21 Omega | 229