Titan BINGIE MOD v1 (UPDATED - 07/24/2020)

I have done a new install of LibreELEC (11.0.3) with Kodi (v20.2).

Connected the client to the network and tested that internet access works (via SSH to the box and ping to any web server with FQHN).

Then I enabled "unknown sources", the ZIP for the repository under:


and copied it via SCP to the box. The subsequent installation of the repo (install from zip) went without error message. Afterwards the repo is also displayed.

When I click on: Settings -> Addons -> Install from Repository -> BINGIE Repository I only get:

"The connection to the repository can not be established".

As I said, the box has internet access and since I installed the repo from the zip it can't be a typo.

Where could be the problem?

with best

Messages In This Thread
RE: Titan BINGIE MOD v1 - by tankman37 - 2020-07-24, 05:20
RE: Titan BINGIE MOD v1 - by AchillesPunks - 2020-07-24, 06:18
RE: Titan BINGIE MOD v1 - by tankman37 - 2020-07-24, 07:42
RE: Titan BINGIE MOD v1 - by AchillesPunks - 2020-07-24, 08:01
RE: Titan BINGIE MOD v1 - by tankman37 - 2020-07-24, 08:10
RE: Titan BINGIE MOD v1 - by AchillesPunks - 2020-07-24, 08:12
RE: Titan BINGIE MOD v1 - by tankman37 - 2020-07-24, 09:05
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RE: Hidden settings - by SoulReaver - 2023-03-20, 20:16
RE: Hidden settings - by childofkorn - 2023-03-20, 20:21
RE: Titan BINGIE MOD v1 (UPDATED - 07/24/2020) - by pixel24 - 2023-09-01, 11:27
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