Release script.skinvariables - Construct skin variables and perform other skin functions
@Hitcher - Your JSON is invalid because of trailing commas. JSON splits at commas, so it always expects a new item to start after a comma. It trips me up all the time.

Basically it should be "a,b,c" not "a,b,c,"

e.g. the commas at the end of all your "library" lines should be removed because the next character is a closing curly brace. Same goes for the last line in your viewtype labels.

e.g. this is invalid

"sources": {
"rule": "Container.Content(sources)",
"viewtypes": ["50"],
"library": "50",
"addons": {
"rule": "Container.Content(addons)",
"viewtypes": ["50"],
"library": "50",

To be valid JSON that would be:


"sources": {
"rule": "Container.Content(sources)",
"viewtypes": ["50"],
"library": "50"
"addons": {
"rule": "Container.Content(addons)",
"viewtypes": ["50"],
"library": "50"

If you're using SublimeText3, I'd recommend installing SublimeLinter with the SublimeLinter-json package using the strict value set to True and it will highlight these trailing comma errors for you.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: script.skinvariables - Construct skin variables and perform other skin functions - by jurialmunkey - 2023-11-14, 15:21
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