Release - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners
(2024-07-03, 15:34)Hitcher Wrote: For some reason the Next Aired Calendar is showing 'House of the Dragon: The House That Dragons Built' episodes as well as 'House of the Dragon' event though the latter is the only one in my library.

Any way to stop this?


Sorry for slow response, been busy with work.

It's because Trakt and TMDb classifies these as "Specials" of HoTD, instead of being their own separate tvshow. Which means it shows up in the Trakt calendar as a new episode of the show.

You could use an exclude filter to filter out specials from the calendar. I haven't tested but adding this to the path for the calendar should work:

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RE: TheMovieDB Helper - by jurialmunkey - 2019-07-31, 11:47
RE: - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners - by jurialmunkey - 2024-07-09, 04:37
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