Mod Titan M O D ( last Updated 19-12-2019)

Just a quick update. I just found out (watching a TV show) that Next episode widget in Skin Helper Service Widgets does not work correctly if TV show has specials between seasons (original, unchanged widget from Skin Helper Service Widgets). I'm using this Next episode code partially in my In progress media and next episode custom widget, so I've noticed that specials don't show up. I've tried original Next episode widget too, just to be sure there wasn't some error in my widget, but it behaves the same.

The problem is that filtering does take into account setting "episodes_enable_specials", but then it creates a filter that either has "season greaterthan 0" AND "season greaterthan last season" if "episodes_enable_specials" is disabled or just "season greaterthan last season" if "episodes_enable_specials" is enabled. So, either way, it excludes specials which are Season 0. I've managed to make a change to both - original Next episode widget and my custom widget, so, now they behave correctly - if "episodes_enable_specials" is disabled it looks for "season greaterthan 0" AND "season greaterthan last season" (even though it's kind of redundant), and if "episodes_enable_specials" is enabled it looks for "season is 0" OR "season is greaterthan last season".

If you want, I can provide files or code for this change.

Best regards,

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