v17 Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork
Hi. I have been using the AB addon for a short time in KODI 18 with the Estuary MOD V2 skin and it is amazing.
Unfortunately I do not get used to the skin so try to go back to the Aeon MQ7 in KODI 17.

So far what I did is disable AD addon downloads and install AB addon.

Now I am creating a new library and until now AB addon works wonderfully by downloading all the images.
The only thing that I could not achieve is that they enter into rotation within the windows of movies and tv shows.

try installing the script.arwork.helper-lastest, but without luck.

I've been reading Fun without addons, but I honestly do not know where I have to add those lines of code.

I hope I have explained the situation in detail.

Thanks for the addon and for the help

Messages In This Thread
Artwork Helper version 0.7.0 - by rmrector - 2016-10-11, 11:30
Extrafanart - by stephen147 - 2018-05-15, 20:59
RE: Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork - by Kutzaray - 2018-06-01, 04:24
RE: Artwork Beef Context Menu - by berkhornet - 2018-09-25, 11:49
Artwork changing by itself - by crazyhands911 - 2020-05-18, 00:24
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Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork5