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Hello ivan1970

I have removed your log as we do not allow logs to be posted in the forum.

Please ensure you have enabled debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging, restarted Kodi then replicated the problem.

Repost your log:
  1. Locate a Pastebin type site. Two examples are https://pastebin.com/ or https://paste.ubuntu.com/
  2. Paste the contents of the kodi.log file
  3. Press Paste or Generate or Create New Paste
  4. When the screen refreshes with your paste, copy the entire address in the address bar and paste it into a new message in your thread
Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
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I installed kodi and the addon timvision on a leelbox mxq pro mini tv box.
unfortunately when I start a video only a green screen appears without audio
I have diabed the acceleration hardaware but nothing
(2017-12-17, 12:55)ugigi Wrote: I installed kodi and the addon timvision on a leelbox mxq pro mini tv box.
unfortunately when I start a video only a green screen appears without audio
I have diabed the acceleration hardaware but nothing
install kodi 18
I tested addon on Wetek play 2 + kodi 18 alpha and works perfectly. also tested on abox tv box+kodi 18 and works.
i noticed only a bug. when play a video works but when press button "back" and play another play don't load anything.
instead stop the playback and load another video works.

for more explain i could make a video.

Thanks for work pinoelefante
(2017-12-18, 03:13)dc94 Wrote: I tested addon on Wetek play 2 + kodi 18 alpha and works perfectly. also tested on abox tv box+kodi 18 and works.
i noticed only a bug. when play a video works but when press button "back" and play another play don't load anything.
instead stop the playback and load another video works.

for more explain i could make a video.

Thanks for work pinoelefante
i can't reproduce this issue on my pc
Hi pinoelefante, hi all,
I have discovered that Kodi v18 Android nightlies builds (both Arm and Arm64) do not include anymore inputstream.adaptive since December 21st (and also RTMP). The corresponding add-on activation line (Videoplayer InputStream) has consequently disappeared from kodi setup menu.
More, examining following Kodi v18 nightlies builds, they are 6Mb less in space. This seems to be a voluntary suppression from Kodi developers.

By consequence, pinoelefante's TIMvision add-on works only with builds released before December 21st and does not work anymore with the following builds.
I have tested both builds on my Chuwi Hi8 Pro dual-boot tablet (which needs also to add widevine libraries not included with its Android 6.1 custom release).

The last working Kodi v18 working build are kodi-20171221-fb653781-master-armeabi-v7a.apk (Arm) and kodi-20171221-fb653781-master-arm64-v8a.apk (Arm64).

I suggest to download them quickly from mirrors.kodi.tv because oldest builds seems not to be downloadable anymore after 40/45 days (seems the oldest builds are progressively disappearing from download directories), and there is a real risk that official Kodi v18 release will not include inputstream.adaptive anymore.

I would like to thank pinoelefante a lot for his marvellous TIMvision add-on !!

Even with widevine libraries installed and root hidden in my Chuwi Hi8 Pro tablet (shown as rooted but no SuperSu installed), official TIMvision app does not work (only trailers). I am giving TIM "working money" regularly for their TIMvision service, but their customer support does not care (and does not know) how to make their app working on my unrooted tablet. Thanks to pinoelefante, as a regular subscriber, I can finally enjoy my TIMvision account on my tablet.

Merry Christmas holidays and happy 2018 to all.
Hi, I downloaded everything as a procedure but when I try to open a video gives me error log.

This is the log:

(2017-12-29, 23:19)LordHenry Wrote: Hi, I downloaded everything as a procedure but when I try to open a video gives me error log.
Download libwidevine from here  and extract in "C:\Users\vstore\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\cdm" play a video and gz Big Grin
(2017-12-30, 01:20)pinoelefante Wrote:
(2017-12-29, 23:19)LordHenry Wrote: Hi, I downloaded everything as a procedure but when I try to open a video gives me error log.
Download libwidevine from here  and extract in "C:\Users\vstore\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\cdm" play a video and gz Big Grin 
 Thank you so much, it works! Big Grin
hi i have a problem with my kingbox K1.  netflix works properly  but not timvision. so i tried to use your add on with kodi, but i can see the tiltles in the timvision library but video doesn't work.
 the problem is that this device don't support drm. how can i do?
(2017-12-30, 17:35)551325 Wrote: hi i have a problem with my kingbox K1.  netflix works properly  but not timvision. so i tried to use your add on with kodi, but i can see the tiltles in the timvision library but video doesn't work.
 the problem is that this device don't support drm. how can i do?
 no drm, no party. sorry
Happy New Year!

@pinoelefante, sometimes it can happen that I start Kodi without any internet connection (for example when I just want to watch a local movie); in these cases, TIMVISION reports an error on the screen. I guess it is just trying to log-in but without an internet connection this gives the error. Would it be possible to make TIMVISION to log-in only when I really open it and not at Kodi startup? I think this would solve the issue for who wants to use Kodi in a offline mode without the error notification from TIMVISION.

Thanks in advance for your attention and help.

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probably the error is related to the background service because login is done when you open the addon
Yes, you got the point. To be more precise, as you said, is more related to the service that starts with Kodi than when I open the add-on. So, if there is no Internet connection, at Kodi start-up the error message is dislayed. Would it be possible to move the part of the code for the login outside the service and put it in the part related when the add-on is opened?

Hope I have clarified better the issue.

Thanks again for your attention. Alex.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
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Hi pinoelefante,

Looking at the log, the issue seems related to the line:

TV_SERVER = utils.start_webserver()

in service.py.

Would it be possible to start the webserver only if an internet connection is available or, better, wait until an internet connection is available?

I guess that a similar modification is also needed in case I open the add-on (addon.py) without an internet connection.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
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