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Xbmcfreak 10.08 svn livecd's
In most cases you use TCP (always for HTTP trafic).
If you want to use a differen external port, this is possible. In case you want to access Sabnzbd+ externally without having to enter a port number (just use the default http port) you could do it like this...

Description: Sabnzbdplus
Inbound port:80
type: TCP
Private IP: 192.168.xx.xx
Private port: 8080

Port 8080 is the default web-service port for XBMC. Be sure you don't configure conflicting ports (this is not port-forwarding related). I have configured Sabnzbd+ to use port 9999.

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I have Sab on port 9997 I have SB on 8081 and Couch is on port 5000

should I want to gain access via web browsers to couch potato on port 5000 after it has been forwarded what needs to be done.

Away from home you would need to connect to http:// your wan IP : port "/sabnzbd" , "/home" or "/" (for sab, sickbeard and couchpotato respectively) and put your user/pass in. Your IP address may change from time to time though . . . .

Does your ISP provide you with a static IP? if not perhaps your router has dyndns function. DynDNS is useful as it will point your IP address to a name and update whenever your IP address changes.

If it does set up a free DynDNS account and put your user/password into your router (there are others but i believe this is most widely supported). That way you don't always have to find out your home ip instead you could have something like e.g. "flomaster.homeip.net" making connecting as easy as www.flomaster.homeip.net:8080/sabnzbd

But may I suggest enabling HTTPS in sabnzbd, and only forwarding the HTTPS ports and setting a user/pass.

so in short . . .

INTERNET <-DynDNS-> Your WAN IP <---> ROUTER <-port forwarding-> PC (running sab, sickbeard, couchpotato)

Nothing has to be changed on your HTPC.

I personally have the ports for all three programs grouped together (for example Sab https 9997, CP http 9998, SB http 9999 so I have to only make one rule in my router to forward all the ports to the IP of my internal pc, being a bit paranoid though these aren't the actual ports I use and perhaps not broadcasting the ports that you are using either is a good idea? Hell I'm so paranoid I set up a VPN to connect from public networks, but that's a whole different bag of worms . . .)
Playing with XBMC on all platforms :)
Vankwish Wrote:Away from home you would need to connect to http your wan ip : port "/sabnzbd" "/home" "/" and put your user/pass in. Your IP address may change from time to time though . . . .

Does your ISP provide you with a static ip? if not perhaps your router has dyndns function.

If it does set up a free dyns dns account and put your user/password into your router. That way you dont always have to find out your home ip instead you could have something like flomaster.homeip.net making connecting as easy as www.flomaster.homeip.net:8080/sabnzbd

But may i suggest enableing HTTPS in sabnzbd, and only forwarding the HTTPS ports and setting a user/pass.

so in short . . .

INTERNET <---> Your WAN IP <- dyndns-> ROUTER <-port forwarding-> PC (running sab, sickbeard, couchpotato)

I personally have the ports for all three programs grouped together (for example sab https 9997, CP 9998, SB 9999 so i have to only make one rule in my router to forward all the ports to the ip of my internal pc, being abit paranoid though these arent the actual ports i use and perhaps not broadcasting the ports that you are using either?)

from this link it looks like I can set up a dyndns account

and not have to pay my ISP extra for the Static IP port
Flomaster Wrote:from this link it looks like I can set up a dyndns account

and not have to pay my ISP extra for the Static IP port

You could, IMHO having a single static IP from your ISP is neither here nor' there, if you only need one external IP address then you probably don't *need* a static IP, I believe this is where DynDNS et al. come into their own.

p.s. did you manage to get ethtool installed afterwards?
Playing with XBMC on all platforms :)
EDIT:ethtool is installed I have not tried it out yet

I will have to try ethtool after work today. I think did the apt-get update before but I can't recall so I'll try it again.

edit; Ip address on the computer changed all is well.

HTPC reboots at random while watching a tv show and IP address keeps changing Sad

I need to make it stay the same

There are 2 ways to keep the same address on the pc.

1) In your router there may be an option to always assign the same address to a specific MAC under DHCP. A quick google did not turn up any information so this may not be possible on your router.

2) You could manually assign your computer a static IP address outside the range of the routers DHCP. Note you would also have to set the subnet and gateway too. To do this requires changing setting on both the router and PC. For the router I would set the DHCP range to something like - Then on the PC follow this guide to set a static IP of (you *may* not have to change the DHCP range on the router but I have previously had problems with duplicate IP addresses on a network with older routers)

Option 1 is usually the easiest/best method IMO.


There is an updated LiveCD on XBMCFreaks site! (svn-32416)
Playing with XBMC on all platforms :)
Vankwish Wrote:There are 2 ways to keep the same address on the pc.

1) In your router there may be an option to always assign the same address to a specific MAC under DHCP. A quick google did not turn up any information so this may not be possible on your router.

That`ll be the lease time, set the expiration time to forever
cool I'll look into it, I had no luck with dyndns my router didn't like the info I was giving it when in fact it was correct so I'll try a new host name from no-ip.com and see if it likes that one.

I really want to control sab, sick, and CP via my Droids web browsers or from work. and if I can get this WOL thing setup I'll be styling. I need to get into my Bios and see if I have the proper settings for power management setup.

Not to kick up a fuss or question anyone else but would that survive a power cycle for whatever reason? I suppose one could always enable remote management for the router, that way the settings could be rectified/modified, although not elegant, a possibility?

Also have you checked if there is a firmware update for you router? May help with DynDNS?
Playing with XBMC on all platforms :)
in the newest Xbmcfreak LiveCD 10.08 svn32416 release many people with zotac ion are talking about not getting sound...
maybe they need to putty into the machine and have a look at the alsamixer to see if Hdmi is muted.

is there a way to upgrade with out having to re-install and start from scratch?

Flomaster Wrote:in the newest Xbmcfreak LiveCD 10.08 svn32416 release many people with zotac ion are talking about not getting sound...
maybe they need to putty into the machine and have a look at the alsamixer to see if Hdmi is muted.

is there a way to upgrade with out having to re-install and start from scratch?


For all Zotac ion users. Add a new line to the following file:


With the following contents:

options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=0 probe_mask=0xffff,0xfff2

Reboot after you've made the changes.
The LIVECD part is still based on 26.22 so it's not possible to install on the
Mac Mini 4.1 (2010 version)

just a heads up for readers Smile
Great Sucess.

Offtopic to thread, but I have my username.homeip.net:port/sabnzbd working YES... now to get Sickbeard, and Cp set up. and figure out the SSH thing so I can command line remotely via my droids connect app

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