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[RELEASE] Alaska Revisited
I just updated the skin and read from the change log that it requires a nightly build of XBMC. Personally I've thought these releases of Alaska Revisited to be "stable" at least on some level, and it would've been nice if you would've branched this nightly thing to a new skin and not just "surprise surprise" change it all of a sudden.

Hitcher, what is the motivation behind requiring a very unstable nightly build for the newer versions of this skin? I am guessing you made some new cool feature that requires a cutting-edge property from XBMC, but I couldn't find the reasoning behind this. I noticed that you mentioned something about new home styles, but I couldn't find any description or pics of them.

So please, what is the major benefit as a skin user in hopping into a nightly build of XBMC and the latest Alaska Revisited? I've been having some stability issues on my setup and I'm very reluctant in installing a nightly from my previous experiences. Unless this is bringing something extremely awesome, I have to roll-back to the 2.7.6.

Cheers for the awesome continued development of Alaska!
As I've said before my personal repo was always for the cutting edge XBMC; if you want stable then stick the official repo.
Hitcher Wrote:As I've said before my personal repo was always for the cutting edge XBMC; if you want stable then stick the official repo.

It was really an authentic question, as I am trying to decide should I go with the latest one or with 2.7.6. What does the nightly bring to Alaska Revisited that 10.1 does not have?
Sebo Wrote:It was really an authentic question, as I am trying to decide should I go with the latest one or with 2.7.6. What does the nightly bring to Alaska Revisited that 10.1 does not have?

You really should read...



Changed: Complete re-design of Home styles that allow for 7 custom items
Video of update -

I would have used the minimum XBMC version for this release to stop it updating unless you were using the correct build but unfortunately it doesn't work.

TomPiXX Wrote:You really should read...

Yes, I indeed read that.

Sebo Wrote:I noticed that you mentioned something about new home styles, but I couldn't find any description or pics of them.

A complete re-design sounds interesting, but does not tell much. To me, it sounds like the home screen has changed completely. If someone is wondering at a crossroads: "should I now install a nightly and the latest skin or roll-back to the old one" there's no info to support that decision. So basically I have to install a nightly and the new skin to see if I want it.

I am genuinely interested on a technical level, that what does the new skin have, that really requires a nightly. I am not blaming Hitcher for moving on to that, I believe there really is a reason for it, but it would be nice to tell the users why this is done.

Hitcher Wrote:Video of update -


Thank you very much for this link, it answered my question. Smile

I don't know if you wander into the development thread often, but newer "nightly" versions sometimes add features that make skinning easier. Your definition of "redesign" is too narrow, but perhaps Hitcher should have said "re-architect" instead of redesign. as most of the changes are under the hood, so to speak.

Look at these particular threads about some things Jonathan Marshall is working on, don't know if this is in the mainline code yet but it does give an example of where a change in the underpinnings causes a change in the theme coding that is not always backward compatible. The second thread changing the Files view is promised not to have any visual impact to the end user (that means you!) but does require a new design.

Changes to skinning engine for Eden (and beyond)
Removal of Files views - need skinners comments

These things affect skinners, at minimum forcing some code to be rewritten, at worst causing complete architectures to be rethought.
I'm using 2.8.9 and the nightly build from the 15th

Possible Bug:
On the Home Screen (Default Home Layout), if I press "Up" at Movies, Music or TV Shows the text beneath the Icon is blank and nothing happens when I press Enter.

By Design?:
Movies, Aeon theme, Fanart viewtype. The color choices for movie titles look odd and not very readable, grey with white "shadows"
It's the script not using the changes to the database.

Removed: MyVideo.xml
Changed: Updated Video library and file mode references
Changed: Video debug info font
Changed: Localised 'mins' label
Changed: Info List button texture
Added: Night theme (thanks to liquidskin76)
Added: Delay to Play icon in video info
Hitcher Wrote:2.9.0

Removed: MyVideo.xml
Changed: Updated Video library and file mode references
Changed: Video debug info font
Changed: Localised 'mins' label
Changed: Info List button texture
Added: Night theme (thanks to liquidskin76)
Added: Delay to Play icon in video info

Hey Hitcher,

After updating (from 2.8.9 to 2.9.0) to pick up these changes the file mode ('Videos', or accessed via library) no longer works properly. No list is displayed, the only thing visible is two or more overlapping 'THUMB NOT AVAILABLE' squares.

What version of XBMC are you currently running?


Bleeding edge huh? Laugh Thanks Hitcher, upgrading now.

[EDIT] Upgrading to the build from the 17th did the trick [/EDIT]

After taking the March 17th build I noticed a couple of things with the 'files' view. I guess they're related to the files/library change more than the skin itself but since I'm not sure if it's intentional/expected or not I figured I'd list them here just in case:

1. Sorting descending by date - ordering impacted. Where you have nested folders they seem to be sorted independantly before all other dates, for example:
\Videos\<folder1> (timestamp: 01/01/2009 00:00)
\Videos\<folder2>\<subfolder1> (timestamp:01/01/2010 00:00)
\Videos\<folder3> (timestamp: 17/03/2011 00:00)
\Videos\<folder4> (timestamp: 16/03/2011 00:00)
\Videos\<folder5> (timestamp: 15/03/2011 00:00)

2. Viewtype files/similar displays the library title, and not the actual folder name (apparently). Not necessarily a bad thing, just confusing if the scraper matches the wrong thing. Not necessarily a problem, just a change from how things used to work.

3. Previously show/hide watched entries applied only to the library. Now it applies to files also. Not necessarily a problem, just a change from how things used to work.

4. Individual files in files view only show their 'title' now, rather than the filename + date, etc.

5. Definitely not a skin-issue but you might want to flag with JM/other, but 'files' view now only displays entries if the file has been scraped. Between library updates new files aren't shown apparently.
otcho Wrote:Is it possible to grab the Night Theme separately ? I'm not able to use the nightly builds (Live-User), but i'd like to try the Night Theme for AR.


Do you want to supply? There's some small bits in the theme that won't work in 10/10.1, correct? If so, i can create a version for Revisited 2.7.6 if you like?

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[RELEASE] Alaska Revisited8