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[RELEASE] cdART Manager Script
How do I delete the database fully? I keep having some tracks which show the wrong CDart (but the same wrong CD) - all of them are which don't actually have their own CDArt. It is as if it has assigned one CDArt as default for Albums which have no cd art, instead of showing a blank cd. Is there any way to get rid of this or start over. Whenever I delete the database, it still remains. I think I'm doing something wrong.
cdARTs are stored in the album folder as cdart.png no where else. You will need to find the offending disc. Also if the cdART does not exist in the album's folder(which has the tracks that show the wrong cdART.), the skin is holding the image.
(2013-09-29, 22:42)giftie Wrote: cdARTs are stored in the album folder as cdart.png no where else. You will need to find the offending disc. Also if the cdART does not exist in the album's folder(which has the tracks that show the wrong cdART.), the skin is holding the image.

I'm unable to find the cdArt in the albums which display the offending disc. I think it is the skin holding the image. Any idea how to stop or remove it from doing so?
A debug log of when the music is playing will show what image the skin is trying to use.
(2013-09-29, 23:54)giftie Wrote: A debug log of when the music is playing will show what image the skin is trying to use.

It is referencing a cdart, but it doesn't exist or I can't find it. Anyways, I found that using the proper file structure for all my music solves the issue.
Thanks for your help.
Hey, im having trouble running cdART manager script. It can run on individual artwork downloads for the artists but no automatic downloads are running. Please help. Thanks
First of all can I say that this program is superb. I can only guess how frustrating it was organising artwork for large collections before this!! I love it and it makes my XBMC install look so superb that I have small groups of people looking in through my lounge window every night. Only joking Laugh

It's great that you did a mini explanation at the beginning of the post which was very helpful. I do however have a few questions which I hope you can help me with.

1) There is a reference to updating the database in the advanced settings, is this a seperate database from XBMC with all the data of scanned folders in my collection and what has been downloaded by cdart manager??

2)When you do individual downloads or search for covers for instance for an artist, it displays the covers within the gui. I found that some where missing from a particular artist and assumed that to get the ones displayed by cdart manager into my collection I just clicked on the ones I wanted that were displayed. I did this but I can't see where they have gone. The relevent artists still have covers missing.

3) Just to add a lot of my content was already downloaded by Media Centre Manager, so in some cases I guess it gave less work to cdart manager. I actually still feeling my way into the program and have added cover art manually. This may be causing a problem, because the missing txt file shows one of my albums with a cd cover missing but in the directory there is cover art.
I assumed doing a cdart database update would sort that but I'm a bit unsure of the functions just now.

4) I have a backup folder that I see holds all the files that cdart manager has downloaded, this was the folder that I assumed the files would have appeared in that I mention in (2) or locally

Everthing seems to be working fine but I wanted to get a better grasp on the program itself and ideally want all my artwork in one place. I see though that logos etc are going straight to my local folders it's just those cd cover didn't seem to appear. Ooops I appear to be going on like a broken record.. I've mentioned that three times Big Grin

I'm probably being an idiot and not doing or selecting something, please put me out of my misery Confused

Is it possible to fix this type of error? When i run autodownload for all artist, script ALWAYS pick "Overkill" pics from fantart.tv but script make new folder on hdd with name "Over kill" and put inside all pics.
Overkill is name of thrash metal band so its not Over kill but Overkill
If i copy/paste pics from Over kill to Overkill folder and delete Over kill, on next update script again make Over kill folder and download same pics as before.
On fanart.tv name of band is writen corectly, xbmc read name of band corectly but only cdart menager make this mistake.
How to stop script to make new folder with wrong name of band?
Thanks and sorry for poor language.
did you check your tags in your mp3 ?
perhaps one of your tags is mis taged with the space in the name
LibreElec Kodi | Aeon MQ ?
(2013-10-13, 10:40)TRaSH Wrote: did you check your tags in your mp3 ?
perhaps one of your tags is mis taged with the space in the name
Nope, all tags are perfect.

Hi man! I really like your app, but I have serious problem. In last month I tried many times to update my add-on database. I have around - let say 10 000k+ albums. Every time I try - something is happening and I can't finish that update. Is it possible to do anything and after restart, add-on to continue updating database at the moment it was disrupted. I'm going crazy, when after two and a half days+ and my computer is blocked updating database, to see that because off some reason (XBMC, skin, some add-on or some LAN problem) I need to start again from zero. Is there a way to update only one segment of my library, than add next and next till all library is updated.

My library is organized that way: music style\autor\year - album name\tracks.

When first time I update my XBMC database, I'm doing it style by style. That way if anything happens I must update only one style. After that, when I add new album it takes 15-20 min max to refresh all library.

(Sorry if explanation is not very clean, but English is not my primary language)
(2013-10-20, 01:18)harybary Wrote: giftie@

Hi man! I really like your app, but I have serious problem. In last month I tried many times to update my add-on database. I have around - let say 10 000k+ albums. Every time I try - something is happening and I can't finish that update. Is it possible to do anything and after restart, add-on to continue updating database at the moment it was disrupted. I'm going crazy, when after two and a half days+ and my computer is blocked updating database, to see that because off some reason (XBMC, skin, some add-on or some LAN problem) I need to start again from zero. Is there a way to update only one segment of my library, than add next and next till all library is updated.

My library is organized that way: music style\autor\year - album name\tracks.

When first time I update my XBMC database, I'm doing it style by style. That way if anything happens I must update only one style. After that, when I add new album it takes 15-20 min max to refresh all library.

(Sorry if explanation is not very clean, but English is not my primary language)

I require a copy of your debug log(the whole debug log) of when cdART Manager is failing.
Hi Giftie, thanks for creating a great add-on, I'm using it with the Arctic skin and it looks really cool. I'm fairly new to XBMC and in the process of ripping all my CDs through dbPoweramp and using cdART to pull the disc images etc in the skin. However, there seems to be a problem with one of my files and cdART hangs 'Retrieving All Local Artists - Artist ID 56' when updating the database. I've tried refreshing the add-on database, deleting the old one, but I still get the same. I've tried having a look through the debug log but can't work out which disc / album it is causing it.

I've posted the debug log here, if anyone's able to help.


I'm running XBMC through Crystalbuntu 2.0 on an original Apple TV.

Thanks in advance.
Hi all,

My first post in this very helpful forum.

My first HTPC, my first trip into XBMC - in general going ok, but I'm hoping someone can help me with this problem.

I have all media stored on a Synology NAS - as well as Video, I have a Music folder, and in that, I have an iTunes folder, a Flac folder and a HD Audio tracks folder. So the folder structures is Music (Containing iTunes, Flac & HD Audio) > iTunes > Music > Artists

Music > Flac > Artists

Music > HD Audio > Artists

It would appear though that CDart manager only scans the files in the Flac folder and ignores the other two folders. Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I was using Aeon MQ5 but reverted to Confluence now to try and make it simpler.

Thanks in advance for the help Smile
cdART Manager only gets the paths for music scanned into XBMC's library.
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[RELEASE] cdART Manager Script6