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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
(2015-11-29, 00:05)ashlar Wrote: Also, criticizing madshi seems kind of nearsighted, considering how much he's contributing to raising the bar for htpc playback quality.

Criticizing him? He does what he wants. It's just totally incompatible with the open-source philosophy in general and kodi's in particular.
I personnaly think it's nearsighted to rely on a piece of code that could just cease to exist tomorrow by one man's decision.

What contribution would be left, then?
(2015-11-28, 21:16)SALAMINOMACHOS Wrote: Is anybody here?

I need your help
I'm trying to run the aracnoz's DsPlayer in my nephew's PC
I created a folder/Madvr 89.13 in C:/Program files (x86)
But i cannot extract the files from the ZIP , therefore i cannot run the install.bat
What i'm doing wrong?
Do i need to install the playercorefactory and mediasconfig/filterconfig first?
This is the reason?
Thanks for your attention

you are most likely on windows 10 take a different folder like C:\madVR and it should work.
if this doesn't work ask again i will help.

(2015-11-29, 02:59)Koying Wrote:
(2015-11-29, 00:05)ashlar Wrote: Also, criticizing madshi seems kind of nearsighted, considering how much he's contributing to raising the bar for htpc playback quality.

Criticizing him? He does what he wants. It's just totally incompatible with the open-source philosophy in general and kodi's in particular.
I personnaly think it's nearsighted to rely on a piece of code that could just cease to exist tomorrow by one man's decision.

What contribution would be left, then?

the lastest released version?
and it's not like DS gets worthless without madVR.
(2015-11-28, 21:20)Koying Wrote: I don't give a damn about dsplayer, but this is sooo far from our values that I'd give -1 to merging just for that phrase...

You don't know the background/history. Recently mpv has started copying a lot of ideas from madVR, including some algorithms I invented myself (things nobody else ever did before), without giving any credit. And when they found a bug in one of my algorithms, they didn't bother to report it to me, instead they used it to advertize their own solution as being "superior". I only heard about it months later from a user. Furthermore, mpv fans are going through many forums now, trying to convince madVR users to switch to mpv because they say it now would have all important madVR features and at better quality (which is both not true). Considering this background, maybe you can understand that I don't feel like helping mpv copy even more ideas/algorithms.

Would you like it if somebody came along, copied all the good ideas from Kodi (but no source code, to make it legal), named it something else, without giving any credit to you, and then tried to steal users away from Kodi by claiming that their software had all the important Kodi features and at better quality (when both is not true)?

(2015-11-29, 02:59)Koying Wrote: Criticizing him? He does what he wants. It's just totally incompatible with the open-source philosophy in general and kodi's in particular.
I personnaly think it's nearsighted to rely on a piece of code that could just cease to exist tomorrow by one man's decision.

What contribution would be left, then?

I've been developing eac3to and madVR for almost 10 years now. Doesn't that speak for itself about my commitment? Do you think that after I invested tens of thousands of hours into these projects, I would suddenly let them die? I can understand if you'd prefer Kodi to have nothing to do with closed source library/components. But if they can provide a noticeable upgrade for users, is your ideology more important than the user experience?

In the end, it seems a good path forward is for Kodi to split the video player and video renderer into separate binary files, with a clear and stable interface. Which was planned by you devs, anyway. Then I could make madVR compatible with that interface, and Kodi users would gain another option without you having to do much extra work. That way everybody would win, no?
Come on, guys, read before posting. aracnoz added back EVR support just to avoid depending on closed source code *and* he was ready to work on dsplayer as a binary addon when it became possible to do so.

I tested EVR and it is stuttering. Too bad it is left as it is.
(2015-11-29, 05:50)oldpoem Wrote: I tested EVR and it is stuttering. Too bad it is left as it is.

that's your bug report?

EVR is actively developed: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=161047

EVR is a recent addition to DSplayer who knows what is going wrong on your side.
(2015-11-29, 06:43)huhn Wrote: that's your bug report?

EVR is actively developed: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=161047

EVR is a recent addition to DSplayer who knows what is going wrong on your side.

I'm certain the EVR aracnoz added was microsoft one and had nothing to do with what development in that thread. The history here is aracnoz had to disable old microsoft evr supported in DSplayer when he moved dsplayer to dx11 build and left with madvr as only option for renderer. He recently had time to added evr back by request of some users here.

Too bad it was not rock stable like it was before.
(2015-11-27, 18:16)0wing Wrote: Yes, the single active Windows dev is sure neglecting the platform while upgrading it to DX11 and doing a ton of other stuff for it.
Go fuck yourself.

Instead of telling me to fuck myself you should've looked around this thread to see how an independent dev was treated when trying to improve Windows platform. He did state he didn't have any more time for it but you'd be naïve to think his mistreatment by Team-Kodi didn't play a role in it.

DX11 SDK has been available since early 2012. We're almost in 2016 and Kodi DX11 build is still labeled as "test" in download page. By "test" I infer experimental phase. It's a lot of stuff for one guy to handle, sure. On the other hand when other Team-Kodi members speak of Windows commitment they really come across as if they didn't care much for the platform. Seriously, just look a few posts back. Ironic since the whole reason Kodi (and Plex and MediaPortal while we're at it) exists in the first place is Microsoft hardware.

The problem is, I'm gamer. Gaming is better on Windows, period. Even outside of native PC releases, Windows is the platform with the most emulators unique to it. And, if I want to run games directly from HTPC instead of streaming, using Windows means I don't have to deal with Wine.

I have yet to find a platform which allows me to do it all. It's possible Steam BPM will be it (right now it isn't because it's too focused on gaming), but, from looking at it, Kodi isn't it. Most skins don't fully support Advanced Launcher and RCB and it'll remain that way until RetroPlayer becomes public.
(2015-11-29, 03:57)madshi Wrote: Would you like it if somebody came along, copied all the good ideas from Kodi (but no source code, to make it legal), named it something else, without giving any credit to you, and then tried to steal users away from Kodi by claiming that their software had all the important Kodi features and at better quality (when both is not true)?
lol, there is a new fork of Kodi every week at least Wink
It's another take at being successful.

BTW, that's exactly the open-source philosophy. You make my point that you are miles away from our values...
We are not doing Kodi for glory, we are doing it because it's useful to us, and if others can make it even better, good for us.

If you invented new algorithms, patent them, or go commercial. That would make sense.
Re your "war" with mpv, at the end of the day they were picked by Plex, whatever the reason is. It makes me think that if you had collaborated with them, you'd be part of the success, rather than being bitter..

(2015-11-29, 03:57)madshi Wrote: I've been developing eac3to and madVR for almost 10 years now. Doesn't that speak for itself about my commitment? Do you think that after I invested tens of thousands of hours into these projects, I would suddenly let them die? I can understand if you'd prefer Kodi to have nothing to do with closed source library/components. But if they can provide a noticeable upgrade for users, is your ideology more important than the user experience?
I don't even doubt your commitment, but nobody's eternal. You can be blown up by a terrorist or killed by a madmen with war weapons today, depending on what side of the atlantic you live.
Then your hard work will be lost forever and fade into oblivion.

Open-source IS eternal (depending on how relevant it is, of course).

BTW, I didn't realize you do eac3to as well. Man, how frustrated I was knowing there was a piece of freeware doing SSIF demultiplexing but closed-source, so that I had to (badly) re-invent the wheel...
(2015-11-29, 10:32)Koying Wrote: lol, there is a new fork of Kodi every week at least Wink
It's another take at being successful.

A fork is somewhat different, though. They copy most of your code, including all the copyright notices, so the heritage from your code stays pretty obvious. But I understand that the open source concept is quite different to my way of thinking. I wouldn't at all like madVR's code to be forked in any way.

(2015-11-29, 10:32)Koying Wrote: Re your "war" with mpv, at the end of the day they were picked by Plex, whatever the reason is. It makes me think that if you had collaborated with them, you'd be part of the success, rather than being bitter..

There's no "war", there's been zero contact. I'm just not interested in helping them in any way.

Being "part of the success" in the form of having contributed to something that isn't mine isn't very interesting to me. I also don't want to become an employee of some company (like mpv's @wm4). I want to stay my own boss, and I want my own baby to have success, instead of contributing to someone else's baby. Yeah, I know, this is different to the open source idea. Anyway, I'm quite content with the success I have so far. Most Windows media players are supporting madVR, and reading through various forums, it seems most users know where to look if they want the highest possible image quality.

(2015-11-29, 10:32)Koying Wrote: I don't even doubt your commitment, but nobody's eternal. You can be blown up by a terrorist or killed by a madmen with war weapons today, depending on what side of the atlantic you live.
Then your hard work will be lost forever and fade into oblivion.

True. I've always thought I should setup some sort of "death switch" so that when I die, eac3to+madVR get automatically open sourced. Just not sure how to do that without being in risk of it happening accidently somehow, and without spending a lot of time on it.

(2015-11-29, 10:32)Koying Wrote: BTW, I didn't realize you do eac3to as well. Man, how frustrated I was knowing there was a piece of freeware doing SSIF demultiplexing but closed-source, so that I had to (badly) re-invent the wheel...
You could have contacted me. I've often helped other devs out with pieces of information and source code fragments. It's not that I'm not willing to help other devs. I just have no interest in helping direct competitors.

(2015-11-29, 10:32)Koying Wrote: BTW, that's exactly the open-source philosophy. You make my point that you are miles away from our values...
We are not doing Kodi for glory, we are doing it because it's useful to us, and if others can make it even better, good for us.
Unfortunately the mpv devs don't seem to share your moral high ground. Would you copy ideas/algos without giving any credit? And if you found a bug in someone else's algo, would you refrain from reporting the bug, and instead use it to advertise the superiority of your own project? Maybe my thinking doesn't live up to your philosophy, but at least I'm decent enough to ship a readme with madVR where I credit everyone who contributed good ideas/algos, regardless of whether there was any active help/contact or not.
@ huhn
This is it
Now it works
But it looks strange because in my own PC , i put the MadVr , in the Programs files , and it works there
Both the PCs run Win7
Thanks for the solution
madshi Wrote:It may be a good match for Kodi because it's also open source and multi platform, and it has copied several good ideas from madVR. But don't kid yourself into thinking that it has "mostly all madvr's features". It's quite far from that. Also the quality of some of the key algorithms that mpv does have doesn't match madVR's quality (yet?). I could give you a detailed list of all quality differences, but if I gave you such a list, I already know that you'd forward it to the mpv devs to use as a checklist for their future development, so I'm not going to do that.

Oh I didn't want to denigrate your work.
But knowing that madVR is and will remain closed source and the philosophy of the kodi team, madVR will never be a solution for them. I think there are some good things to get from the mpv source and I hope that some of them will be implemented inside the new kodi player soon.

Some mpv's developers and contributors implemented some MPDN shaders inside mpv recently and there are credits somewhere.

I think you should go to the mpv irc channel to contact the mpv community.
I am sure they didn't want to hurt you and feel bad that you reacted like that.
I've read somewhere that human interaction is like 60% voice tone and gestures and only 40% words, or something like that. The problem with electronic communication is that it can only capture those 40%. I'm not hurt, I'm not at war, I'm not bitter. I'm not angry much at the mpv devs, either, although I do think they could (and should) have behaved better. Having seen many posts like "mpv is better than madVR now" recently on various forums makes me want to speak my mind very clearly, though. I simply feel the need to "put things right". Which, due to those 60% missing, probably comes across differently to how I feel. I'm not a very emotional guy.

I do believe that if I posted a detailed description of where madVR's algos are better than mpv's in a public forum, it would rather quickly come to the attention of the mpv devs, and would be used to close the gap. Again, this is not war, or bitterness, just a fact of life. I do see mpv as competition, so I don't want to help them, and I only "complained" about the mpv dev behaviour here to defend/justify my unwillingness to help them in any way. Once again I acknowledge that my views are not compatible with the open source idea. Which is no surprise given that I'm not an open source developer.

Anyway, this is starting to get a bit long in the tooth, and is mostly OT, anyway, so I guess I'd like to tighten this up quickly now.

- Smooth video project
- Reclock
- ffdshow
- avisynth
- Video pixel shader pack
- Finesharp converted to shaders
- Shader implementation of the NEDI algorythm
- Adaptative sharpen
- Sweet FX video pixel shader pack
- AC3 Filter
- xy-subfilter project
- LAV Filters

Has it been told that dsplayer is not only madvr? Yes, of course, it has been told a lot of times but once again:
(2015-11-28, 21:20)Koying Wrote: I don't give a damn about dsplayer
Just to be clear, "I don't give a damn about dsplayer" because I'm not using Windows. Not related to its qualities.
(2015-11-29, 15:48)Doom10 Wrote: Dsplayer

- Smooth video project
- Reclock
- ffdshow
- avisynth
- Video pixel shader pack
- Finesharp converted to shaders
- Shader implementation of the NEDI algorythm
- Adaptative sharpen
- Sweet FX video pixel shader pack
- AC3 Filter
- xy-subfilter project
- LAV Filters

Has it been told that dsplayer is not only madvr? Yes, of course, it has been told a lot of times but once again:
(2015-11-28, 21:20)Koying Wrote: I don't give a damn about dsplayer

Just like Windows users don't give a damn about BSD. It's understanable & reasonable. Why would Android developer cares about windows fork?
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