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Android Yatse: Full featured Kodi Remote (Widgets, Streaming, Offline media, ...)
You may want to link what you use and your github as it can help others and others can help Smile
Excellent!!! That is exactly what I have been looking for!
Still a great tool - I've got one small problem with audio playlists.

If I tap and hold to select, then click on the 'Play' icon, the XBMC just goes to a black screen (Openelec 3..0.4 on a RPi). If I select the same audio playist through the gui and click 'Play' it works OK.

Also something else around playlists - I love that I can queue up songs and create my own playlist 'on the fly/ It would be really nice if, on the playlist page in Yatse, there was an option to save the current playlist.
Well there's not yet api in Xbmc to save playlist but internal playlist will surely comes to Yatse one day Smile

About the playlist this is an Xbmc problem check : http://yatse.leetzone.org/redmine/projec...-m3u-files for the solution.

I don't know why it's not corrected on Xbmc side since it's well known Smile
Thanks Tolriq - worked perfectly.
Yatse is moving to a simpler system for Beta's (Using Google Play Store native support for it and a Google+ community).

You can ask for invite at : https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/...0190202508 and follow the guide there.

Beta for 3.4.0 with global search and android search integration is starting now (and more ) Smile
I really like Yatse and all it's features. Thanks a lot Tolriq, you're doing an awsome job. There is one feature that I'd love to see in one of the remotes and that's support for adding widgets (shortcuts) to favorite actions within the app. I regularly start the same radio streams on XBMC and to start a stream I need to open Yatse, go to music files, browse to the directory that holds my radio-pls files and start the stream. It would be really cool if I could mark that action as a favorite somehow and add a schortcut widget to the my android desktop to start the stream of choice or any other action. I realise this is no small request, but it might be something other people would find usefull. An example of an application that allows for this kind of functionality is ConnectBot. Every stored SSH connection can be accessed directly via a shortcut-widget.

Please add to my reputation if you find my posts usefull (+/- button below posts)
Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
Well the first part of this is already there since Yatse now have internal favorites, you can add all your channels to favorites in Yatse and have them very very fast Smile Perhaps you have not updated recently Smile

And the widget part is planned too, don't remember if it was you that already asked this.

But now that 4.x Android users are more than 80% of my users I have less trouble adding ICS+ only things (since list widgets are ICS+ only)
Thinking a bit more about the technical implications of my request... it might not be so difficult to implement!

> On user action: store the jsonrpc request parameters in some kind of 'favorites' database [category name] [item display name] [request url / or / XBMC instance id] [request params]
> Dynamicly create a list of widgets based on the entries in the table
> Call the HTTP request handler with the params when a widget is addressed

Ah, I was typing while you posted your response. It wasn't me that requested this functionality earlier. I wasn't aware of the request either Smile.
Excellent that it will be part of Yatse some day. I wasn't aware of the favorites functionality in Yatse. I'd only checked the types of widgets available.

Please add to my reputation if you find my posts usefull (+/- button below posts)
Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
Hi Tolriq.

Here're few ideas of mine.

When choosing a pvr channel (tv or radio) to play (from channel listing screen) Yatse automatically open the remote control screen but doesn't remember the pvr type, so next I'll open the pvr listing screen it will default to tv channels listing.
It would be useful (and save me a swipe to radio) if Yatse will default to the pvr listing type that was recently played.
I also think that Yatse should forget the recently played pvr type and default to tv channels listing if playing a pvr channel isn't the last activity (the user played music, movie ....).

When listening to radio stations you don't look at your tv screen so usually Yatse gui is the only interface you look at and sometimes the default action of yatse to open the remote screen after choosing a radio channel to play (from the pvr listing screen) isn't desireable and you want to stay in the pvr listing screen to quickly change to another radio channel.
Each radio channel on the pvr listing screen get a whole line and you can click anywhere to choose it, while holding my smartphone usually I find myself clicking in the middle of the line, it would be great if clicking on the radio channel logo will start playing the channel but keep Yatse on the channel listing screen.

I would really like also to have a swipe down action, it's much more fluid than having to "click".
For example on the remote screen a swipe down will open the pvr channel listing, on the "now playing" screen it will open the stream (upnp ...) screen (why not have this as a screen and not a popup).

p.s. not sure if this make any different but my device is on Android 2.3.7
here is a question ... is anybody a) using xbmc in conjunction with the HDHomerun Primes DLNA streaming? and b) not sure if the API is developed enough... at some point in time do you think yatse will be able to incorporate tv logos as a part of the live tv experience.
Is it possible to add an option to remove episode/movie from library? Also the pyhsical files. Thanks
@dhead :
Well I can't save and not save at the same time :p
I guess this will be save to keep consistency with the other part of the app.

For the close or not in PVR I guess I'll add an option for default behaviour, but things like click here or here to not do the same without indicators are not understand by users.

Same goes for swipe or gesture out of nothing, users just don't find them so not an option for a consistent usage.

@bry- : Yatse does support logos from Xbmc but if I remember correctly there's a bug in Xbmc that force the logo files to be case sensitive for remotes. It seems it's still not resolved.

@fernandovg : there's no api to delete files physically (and it would be complicated to know what to really delete like nfo posters, ... and I really hope such API don't arrive in Xbmc until a complete permission system is available Smile

And removing just from library is not really useful since in 99,99% of the case the file will shows back on next scan.
Hey Tolriq, I'm just finally getting around to testing all the great new features you have put in since I've moved.. The app sure has come a long way!

One question I am wondering about.. the 'recent media' widgets, what do they base the most recent media off from? My TV shows widget do not seem to be accurately reflecting the most recently added data in xbmc.. I was also thinking, maybe when you swipe up on the latest item (where it doe not allow you to scroll any further), it can initiate a small sync action of sorts to fetch the data for that widget and update it.

Just a thought, you have some great updates.
Hey Torlq,

I've just installed a new copy of Openelec (3.0.6) XBMC to my raspberry pi with the Youtube 4.4.4 plug in installed, and i'm using Yatse 3.3.1 on android to control it all. Whenever i try to send a youtube url to the XBMC, it times out, states that playback failed, and to check the logs. When checking the logs i get the following :

20:24:26 T:2796336224  NOTICE: YouTube-4.4.4
20:24:28 T:2796336224  NOTICE: CommonFunctions-2.5.1
20:24:34 T:2796336224  NOTICE: links: 'dict'
20:24:35 T:3047800832  NOTICE: COMXPlayer: Opening: http://r1---sn-xmxuxa-ntqe.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?cp=U0hWRlVSUV9JT0NONl9NTFVFOmVzUmQzSHJLbHlS&ipbits=8&mt=1371550954&gcr=au&sparams=cp,gcr,id,ip,ipbits,itag,ratebypass,source,upn,expire&ms=au&id=f3e7a3c87cf3dd71&ratebypass=yes&upn=irp7c3amisc&newshard=yes&expire=1371573445&mv=m&source=youtube&itag=22&fexp=912300,913568,916612,901452,911929,900352,921047,924605,928201,901208,929913,929117,929123,929121,929915,929906,929907,929125,925714,929919,931202,928017,912512,912515,912521,906906,904488,931910,931913,932227,904830,919373,933701,904122,932216,900816,912711,930618,930621,929606,910075&sver=3&ip=|User-Agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+6.2%3B+Win64%3B+x64%3B+rv%3A16.0.1%29+Gecko%2F20121011+Firefox%2F16.0.1
20:24:35 T:3047800832 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
20:24:35 T:3047800832  NOTICE: CXBMCRenderManager::ResetRenderBuffer - using 5 render buffers
20:24:35 T:2796336224  NOTICE: Thread COMXPlayer start, auto delete: false
20:24:35 T:2796336224  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
20:24:35 T:2796336224 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
20:24:35 T:2796336224 WARNING: FillBuffer: Reconnect, (re)try 1
20:24:35 T:2796336224 WARNING: FillBuffer: curl failed with code 22
20:24:35 T:2796336224   ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Open, didn't get any data from stream.
20:24:35 T:2796336224   ERROR: Open - failed to open source <http://r1---sn-xmxuxa-ntqe.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?cp=U0hWRlVSUV9JT0NONl9NTFVFOmVzUmQzSHJLbHlS&ipbits=8&mt=1371550954&gcr=au&sparams=cp,gcr,id,ip,ipbits,itag,ratebypass,source,upn,expire&ms=au&id=f3e7a3c87cf3dd71&ratebypass=yes&upn=irp7c3amisc&newshard=yes&expire=1371573445&mv=m&source=youtube&itag=22&fexp=912300,913568,916612,901452,911929,900352,921047,924605,928201,901208,929913,929117,929123,929121,929915,929906,929907,929125,925714,929919,931202,928017,912512,912515,912521,906906,904488,931910,931913,932227,904830,919373,933701,904122,932216,900816,912711,930618,930621,929606,910075&sver=3&ip=|User-Agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+6.2%3B+Win64%3B+x64%3B+rv%3A16.0.1%29+Gecko%2F20121011+Firefox%2F16.0.1>
20:24:35 T:2796336224   ERROR: COMXPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [http://r1---sn-xmxuxa-ntqe.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?cp=U0hWRlVSUV9JT0NONl9NTFVFOmVzUmQzSHJLbHlS&ipbits=8&mt=1371550954&gcr=au&sparams=cp,gcr,id,ip,ipbits,itag,ratebypass,source,upn,expire&ms=au&id=f3e7a3c87cf3dd71&ratebypass=yes&upn=irp7c3amisc&newshard=yes&expire=1371573445&mv=m&source=youtube&itag=22&fexp=912300,913568,916612,901452,911929,900352,921047,924605,928201,901208,929913,929117,929123,929121,929915,929906,929907,929125,925714,929919,931202,928017,912512,912515,912521,906906,904488,931910,931913,932227,904830,919373,933701,904122,932216,900816,912711,930618,930621,929606,910075&sver=3&ip=|User-Agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+6.2%3B+Win64%3B+x64%3B+rv%3A16.0.1%29+Gecko%2F20121011+Firefox%2F16.0.1]
20:24:35 T:2796336224  NOTICE: COMXPlayer::OnExit()
20:24:35 T:2796336224  NOTICE: COMXPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
20:24:35 T:3047800832   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?path=/root/video&action=play_video&videoid=8-ejyHzz3XE]

Youtube works fine by itself.. does anyone know whats going on?? It worked fantastically until i reinstalled it all :/ It also doesnt work when i use airplay/upnp from yatse.
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Yatse: Full featured Kodi Remote (Widgets, Streaming, Offline media, ...)24