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Release TVDB - TV Show scraper (XML)
(2020-01-25, 03:06)mmhere123456 Wrote: When the devs get to it, please LOUDLY highlight the release that first uses JSON parse instead of regexps.
There is already a Beta version available of a python scraper, but not compatible with v18. You need Kodi v19.

We could use some testers... https://github.com/xbmc/metadata.tvdb.com.python But there are known issues with the Windows platform, so if you are using Windows, expect some crashing.

We are also in need of coders to develop TVDB Movie Scraper and TheMovieDB TV Show scraper.
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(2020-01-25, 03:15)Karellen Wrote: There is already a Beta version available of a python scraper, but not compatible with v18. You need Kodi v19.

We could use some testers... https://github.com/xbmc/metadata.tvdb.com.python

As you mention v19, I assume this is the Kodi version codenamed Matrix ? I shall check, but is that main Kodi released and you are saying that the scraper is not yet released? Or is Matrix itself in beta?
v19 = Matrix = still in development but many people are using now

TVDB Python Scraper = Beta = works with v19
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This article dated 2019-11-16 notes (and @Karellen just confirmed) that v19 Matrix is pre-release: https://kodi.tv/article/kodi-19-python-3-goes-live

And this, even though it is a DevBuild-focused page, mentions that 18.5 Leia is the current stable release (corroborated elsewhere):


When v19 reaches release that looks to be a compelling version (for me at least) given the planned python3 support, and attendant changes (improvements, hopefully, allowing for time to settle after wide use begins) to add-ons including scrapers.

Apologies if I'm repeating info from elsewhere, but I though others reading this thread might find it useful in context.
also got an update notification on my old 17.6 skinning built, hope it's not smashing something cause all was functional fine.
(2020-01-25, 03:06)mmhere123456 Wrote:
(2020-01-24, 12:29)olympia Wrote: Your comment on how Kodi parses JSON is valid from an angle. 
...and Kodi will address this from the next version by introducing python scrapers and subsequently proper JSON parser.

That is good news indeed that a JSON parser will be used. As a SW dev myself, this sounds less fragile in implementation if perhaps requiring a bit more of a "coder person" to maintain it. That said, maintaining complex regexps like the ones proved to work here for a decade are ... um ... fragile. This is especially so when the upstream data provider who claims to be remaining backwards compatible with their output production is in fact NOT doing so.

When the devs get to it, please LOUDLY highlight the release that first uses JSON parse instead of regexps. This will be a motivation for at least one user (me!) to upgrade my Kodi boxen.
Time will tell if your enthusiasm about this is correct.

Very professional sounding is to say regexp is fragile (which is strictly speaking true), but this was/ is not causing real issues for a long while? Tell me which other scraper was broken due to such regexp fragility issue that many times? There are scrapers that didn't need a touch from that perspective for years...

On the other hand, there will be no maintaner who knows most if not all the scrapers, dedicated and passionated only for scraping. I am sure there will be other problems you will be more unhappy about then so called fragile regexps...

So I am really not sure what kind of nirvana is expected from this.
Let me double underscore my thanks for the scraper update that got me and others going again. Maintaining multiple versions takes effort, which I very much appreciate.

I don't mean to light a flame under JSON parse vs regexp scan but I do think thetvdb's shenanigans are the real cause of the issues. Well I suppose that's stating the obvious. Anything we can do to be more defensive against future changes is appreciated. As the scraper/repo maintainer person I feel you must know best how to do it, having chased down these issues many times in the past, I'm sure under harried conditions with pressure from people saying "Kodi Broke!" (when in fact it didn't).

For me the nirvana of stability (a functional TV) is the goal. Whichever path you feel is best, I support you.
Can't scrape Picard again. Maybe Kodi doesn't want us to watch this show?
(2020-02-07, 03:46)K0D1User1138 Wrote: Can't scrape Picard again. Maybe Kodi doesn't want us to watch this show?
Scrapes ok here.
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I re-scraped from new and it seems to be working. It was wonky when the series first premiered but hopefully working fine now.
Please https://forums.thetvdb.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=62944
(2020-02-29, 05:40)azs0025 Wrote: Please https://forums.thetvdb.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=62944
I can find no problem. The images scrape correctly when set to pt in the scraper language settings.

Like the other member stated, if you just uploaded the images, it can take upto 48hrs for them to become available from TVDB.
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(2019-11-26, 10:21)Karellen Wrote: @compuman

Please provide a --> Debug Log <-- that captures you scraping Doctor Who.

Is this show already in your library and you are adding new episodes, or is this the first time you are scraping it?


the problem is still there after tvdb addon for kodi version 3.2.4 in KODI 18.5 (DB kodi_video116)

i see that in the log say (i write here only partial log because i think to have found the problem):
2020-02-29 18:20:29.462 T:14300   DEBUG: Mysql execute: UPDATE tvshow SET c00='Doctor Who (2005)',c01='Il Dottore è un Signore del Tempo...
2020-02-29 18:20:29.477 T:14300   ERROR: SQL: [kodi_video116] Undefined MySQL error: Code (1406)
                                            Query: UPDATE tvshow SET c00='Doctor Who (2005)',c01='Il...
2020-02-29 18:20:29.477 T:14300   ERROR: CDatabase::ExecuteQuery - failed to execute query 'UPDATE tvshow SET c00='D...
2020-02-29 18:20:29.515 T:14300   DEBUG: Mysql rollback transaction

So the tvshow is found, kodi try to write in DB and then rollback the operation... 

I try the command in the DB and the error is:
#1406 - Data too long for column 'c06' at row 1

So i think the problem is present for everyone that add TVSHOW
"Doctor who 2005"

In c06 there are 96529 characters .... with url with thumb and fanart !!!
c06='<thumb aspect=\"poster\" language=\"en\">https://artworks.thetvdb.com/banners/posters/78804-52.jpg</thumb><thumb aspect=\"poster\" language=\"en\">https://artworks.thetvdb.com/banners/posters/78804-13.jpg</thumb>...

Maybe there are "too many" 

Can we set an option to read only "normal" information for tvshow to make it work with KODI ?

Read here... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues/15768
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(2020-02-29, 20:36)Karellen Wrote: @compuman

Read here... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues/15768
I change type of C06 to "mediumtext" (it works untill 16'000'000 of chars...) and it works now
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TVDB - TV Show scraper (XML)1