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Ember Media Manager - Revisited (Open Source VB.NET Project)
If I leave EMM open without any interaction for a short period of time, it keeps crashing with the following error:

  Stopped working

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    CLR20r3
  Problem Signature 01:    ember media manager.exe
  Problem Signature 02:
  Problem Signature 03:    4d3b694c
  Problem Signature 04:    mscorlib
  Problem Signature 05:
  Problem Signature 06:    4bebe8e2
  Problem Signature 07:    15d
  Problem Signature 08:    24
  Problem Signature 09:    System.ArgumentOutOfRange
  OS Version:    6.1.7600.
  Locale ID:    1033

I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, using latest version (2398). Previous version 2395 was also crashing with the same error. Thought updating would help, but unfortunately not.
RockDawg Wrote:I used to use this all the time. IMO it was an awesome feature. It would update your library the same as if you clicked on "update library" within XBMC. But to me, the really cool feature was the real-time update or whatever it was called. Suppose you have a movie that's already been scanned into both Ember and XBMC. Then one day you decide to edit the genre or plot (or anything) of that movie in Ember. That change will not show in XBMC after you update the library because that process just adds new videos that aren't already in the XBMC library. You would have to go into the info screen for that particular movie and click refresh fort the changes to show. If you changed info for multiple movies in Ember, you would have to refresh each one individually within XBMC. "Real-time update" would sync any changes you made to a movie/TV show to the XBMC library immediately with no need to do anything within XBMC for the changes to show.

I switched to a central mysql db for XBMC a while back and that feature didn't work with it. I truly miss that feature and would love to see it back and compatible with mysql db's!

I currently have a set of scripts to do things like extract IMDB ratings from the Ember sqlite db, load into Mysql and update the XBMC db located there. It works, but its not really cool.

I have a dream roadmap for Ember where progressively (and potentially as 'user options'):
1) Ember moves to use mysql (replacing its existing sqlite db)
2) Ember schema modified to mirror XBMC schema in mysql
3) Ember interacts between its schema and XBMC schema (eg 'sync', use XBMC defined data sources etc
4) Ember moves to use the XBMC schema itself directly with potentially a small separate schema for anything that doesn't fit in the XBMC schema

Looking to have a crack at some of this myself (like a challenge), open to suggestions / thoughts as I like proper integration between my tools.
tuscani Wrote:This has been fixed in v2398


this is not v2398, ember reports this is 2397, and as you can see in the image it still has the same problem that i described

i just notice another problem i am having, it's not seeing all my episodes. i notice this right now for 2 shows, Spartacus Gods of the Arena it wouldn't grab first or second episode, i just couldn't get it to recognize it, also couldn't get XBMC to recognize it. the second i have seen is Being Human (US), it gets the first episode, but not the second and it's named the same way. any thoughts on this? thanks.
Marking many movies and scraiping all at once for trailers makes emm stop responding. No errors in the log, I have to kill using task manager usually as it'll often stop at a movie and just not progress past it. Using 2398
Will the new builds of ember start to use the durationinseconds instead of runtime as it seems that is what xbmc wants to use now?

Trying to use the new psuedotv script and that wants the database to have durationinseconds to work properly.

The only way i've found to get it to add to the database is to start and stop the movie / tv show, but when you then export the database to nfo files and make a change in ember, you lose the information from the export Sad
Glad someone picked this up.

Downloaded latest version. Haven't tried it yet but Ember Media Manager.vshost.exe and Ember Media Manager.vshost.exe.manifest is there for the debugging. You should strip those out of the release project.
How can I force XBMC to scrape for trailers after EMM has scraped for everything else? If I scrape with XBMC (without using EMM) it scrapes a trailer from hd-trailers.net, and I can click on the Trailer button in the Movie Info, and the trailer plays.

If I pre-scrape with EMM, and uncheck "Trailer", then XBMC doesn't pick up a trailer when I update the library.

If I check "trailer" in EMM, a rtmp:// url gets inserted into the movie.nfo, and a Trailer link appears in XBMC, but the trailer doesn't work

What I want is to pre-scrape with EMM without scraping a trailer, then update the XBMC library and have XBMC add the working trailer from hd-trailers.net
For some reason every time I clicked on "Update Library" the .emm database seems to get cleared and I have to modify settings and remove and re-add my source, then it rescans and is well.

Is this a known bug?

And thank you so much for continuing this tool!
Title: Error
Message: The path is not of a legal form.
StackTrace: at System.IO.Path.NormalizePathFast(String path, Boolean fullCheck)
at System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(String path)
at multi.Compatibility.genericMediaBrowser.XMLmymovies.SaveMovieDB(DBMovie movie, String tpath) in C:\Users\bperry\Documents\_Applications\_emm-r\trunk\addons\multi.Compatibility\genericMediaBrowser.vb:line 568
at multi.Compatibility.genericMediaBrowser.RunGeneric(ModuleEventType mType, List`1& _params, Object& _refparam) in C:\Users\bperry\Documents\_Applications\_emm-r\trunk\addons\multi.Compatibility\genericMediaBrowser.vb:line 101
Date/Time: 2/2/2011 6:58:44 PM

Title: Error
Message: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
StackTrace: at Ember_Media_Manager.dlgSettings.Handle_ModuleSetupChanged(String Name, Boolean State, Int32 diffOrder)
Date/Time: 2/2/2011 6:59:31 PM

When I have the MediaBrowser Compatibilty turned on I get errors when I try to save a movie. I can't find any configuration file with the above C:\Users\bperry\Documents path in it. I did use the "blank" database from a few posts above if that makes any difference.

awesomski Wrote:For anyone having the problem with the newest EMM-R saying SQLite error- table sources doesn't exist. If you have an old build, you can just copy the Media.emm file from the old build into the new build, and it will work fine. Looks like the new build has a blank Media.emm file.

Thanks for the tip. I was having that problem and you fixed it.
Negativecreep0 Wrote:Hey guys Im having a problem with Ember recognizing the info and artwork tahts already in the folder for movies with multiple cds

example. 12 Monkeys

folder name: 12 Monkeys

12 Monkeys Cd 1
12 Monkeys Cd 2
12 Monkeys.nfo
12 Monkeys.tbn

ember says that there is no artwork or nfo associated with 12 Monkeys and is basing it off the file 12 Monkeys Cd 1, so Im assuming it is looking for a 12 Monkeys Cd 1.nfo and 12 Monkeys Cd 1.tbn

is there a way to make ember see multiple cd movie by subtracting the Cd 1 and Cd 2 labels and just using the name of folder?

bump anyone help with this problemHuh?? how do you guys name multple files for one movie so ember sees the info
seem to have ancountered a problem when scraping for posters/fanart its only downloading a poster for a film called "the lost" it does the same poster for every film im trying to scrape.

Single film scrapes dont seem to work so this is only when i scrape all or all new films.

I cant getit to match any films with the right artwork at the moment
Big Update

jonn Wrote:Is there a reason the Scrape Media button when on TV show view is greyed out?

I've tried deleting my settings.xml...

Is it supposed to be like that?
This feature was never finished.

gmk2 Wrote:
Quote:Originally Posted by StarLite
I have a Q:

I am using the original EMM atm and would like to switch to this version as the new features sound promising and the original one doesn't seem to be updated at all.
Can I somehow copy the database from the original one to this version and expect it to work, or will I have to spend all night rescraping and correcting all movies and tv-shows?
You don't need the ember database at all - the whole point is that all of the data is embedded in the nfo files with the media (along with your posters etc which are *not* in the ember db!) All you need to do in revisited is add your sources and ember will happily pick up the existing nfo files.

The ember db is really only to provide a 'cache' for the gui.
If you wish to upgrade from 2385 you can unrar on top of the current install directory and overwrite all files. This will keep your AdvancedSettings, Settings, and Database. First startup may take a bit.

mark007 Wrote:I'm unsure if this was asked in this long thread already, but is supporting blu-ray nfo / fanart structures classed as important enough to be added to an upcoming emm version? Its the only part of emm thats missing that means I have to alot of manual work to move these files to the right location to be picked up by XBMC Dharma.
Place a feature request on emm-r Trac site. Be sure to include as much info as you can. The link can be found in my signature.

-ingeon Wrote:PS. Is there a way to get ember-r to make a debug type log? The normal log only seems to work when severe errors occur.
Also only 1.2.2385 under version number. I`m using 1.2.2398
As of now this is not built into the program. I was going to start on this feature but decided to work on other aspects of the program first. Your more that welcome to add this feature. Shouldn't be to hard Wink

bobrap Wrote:Is it 2398 or 2397 as the version shows?
i forgot to update the svn before i made the package. The program says it 2397 but it's really 2398. I'm still learning.

Shinu Wrote:Ok, it seems like I'm not explaining my problem very well, so I think I'll just show you...

As u see from the pic, Ember sorts the episodes by season format, despite setting the episode ordering to absolute. As stated before, the episodes themselves are place in the main directory (One Piece/One Piece - 001.avi) and the Specials are in the 'Season 0' folder. It also shows the first 4 seasons as having 99 episodes. what should i change to make it scrape correctly? I really don't want to sort them by season. not only because it will be teadious, but also a number of episodes are missing from their listing from season 8....

http://thetvdb.com/?tab=season&serie...d=234471&lid=7 (only 13 episodes listed)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of...%28season_8%29 (supposed to be 35)
Looks like an existing bug. Put in a support ticket.

matsutake Wrote:If I leave EMM open without any interaction for a short period of time, it keeps crashing with the following error:

I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, using latest version (2398). Previous version 2395 was also crashing with the same error. Thought updating would help, but unfortunately not.
Try updating your .Net framework.

prophetizer Wrote:this is not v2398, ember reports this is 2397, and as you can see in the image it still has the same problem that i described
Are you running on apple? if so, PM me

gmk2 Wrote:I currently have a set of scripts to do things like extract IMDB ratings from the Ember sqlite db, load into Mysql and update the XBMC db located there. It works, but its not really cool.

I have a dream roadmap for Ember where progressively (and potentially as 'user options'):
1) Ember moves to use mysql (replacing its existing sqlite db)
2) Ember schema modified to mirror XBMC schema in mysql
3) Ember interacts between its schema and XBMC schema (eg 'sync', use XBMC defined data sources etc
4) Ember moves to use the XBMC schema itself directly with potentially a small separate schema for anything that doesn't fit in the XBMC schema

Looking to have a crack at some of this myself (like a challenge), open to suggestions / thoughts as I like proper integration between my tools.
This is the MAIN reason that i wanted to see EMM live on. By doing this, support for MediaBrower will go away. I started working on the XBMC module so that it would sync the XBMC db to EMM db and vis versa. This might be the easiest route to take. I would love to have others input and help with making this happen. To move from sqlite would be a major overhaul since the db is integrated throughout the program.

mark007 Wrote:Marking many movies and scraiping all at once for trailers makes emm stop responding. No errors in the log, I have to kill using task manager usually as it'll often stop at a movie and just not progress past it. Using 2398
What trailer service are you using? try doing a couple at a time and see if it works.

rtwight Wrote:Will the new builds of ember start to use the durationinseconds instead of runtime as it seems that is what xbmc wants to use now?

Trying to use the new psuedotv script and that wants the database to have durationinseconds to work properly.

The only way i've found to get it to add to the database is to start and stop the movie / tv show, but when you then export the database to nfo files and make a change in ember, you lose the information from the export
I'm on Dharma and it is working fine for me to use <runtime>. Currently, TV shows nfo's do not contain the correct schema for xbmc to pickup the runtime. I plan to add this feature in a upcoming build

Jasin Wrote:Glad someone picked this up.

Downloaded latest version. Haven't tried it yet but Ember Media Manager.vshost.exe and Ember Media Manager.vshost.exe.manifest is there for the debugging. You should strip those out of the release project.
Thanks. I rushed to get it out and forgot to strip those files. Once i get the auto update working again this shouldn't be an issue.

rapidvelo Wrote:For some reason every time I clicked on "Update Library" the .emm database seems to get cleared and I have to modify settings and remove and re-add my source, then it rescans and is well.

Is this a known bug?

And thank you so much for continuing this tool!
Not a bug that i know of. Blow away your Ember installation and try again.
agentcooper Wrote:Sorry for my late reply, I have been away on business.
Yes, i am sure. All the files are still in the directory with the movie.
I have been trying different things, and find that if when trying different ways to test, using one movie at a time (ie. I mark one movie) and go:
scrape media-marked movies-ask (or automatic)-all items
It then sees the NFO and extrathumbs, BUT once I click OK to accept, it ends up 'losing' the NFO and extrathumbs.

So to reiterate, I still have the NFO, the poster, fanart, extrathubs, jpg's, tbn's in the directory where the movie is stored.

Is there a way to force EMM to scrape from the containing folder for the movie, or is that already automatic?

Sorry, I am at a loss here, but thanks for everyone's assistance so far Smile

First, the reason your marking/manual scraping appears but doesn't save in EMM-r is due EMM-r functionality of displaying the scraped data prior to saving, but not overwriting the existing files.
Second, if you have all of "the NFO, the poster, fanart, extrathubs, jpg's, tbn's in the directory where the movie is stored", that is WAY too many files of scraped data/images. One poster (.jpg or .tbn), one .nfo, one fanart (.jpg or .tbn), and one folder of extrathumbs (containing .jpg or .tbn files) is all that is necessary (possible exception is .xml files, but you don't have those, right?) for EMMr and XBMC.

Here's what I did before: I tried to recreate your problem by scraping these same files (as you indicated) in each of my movie folders. I experienced no errors and could view all of my movie info/images. However, I screwed up because I scraped these files with a later version of Ember than yours.

So, try this (and I know this sucks, but I wouldn't suggest it if it didn't work, even for large movie libraries): Delete everything in your movie folders except for the movie file (and subtitle files, if necessary). If you don't know how to do this easily, I can give you some pointers, but I'm assuming you know how. After that, start with a fresh install of EMM-r, setup your sources, and Scrape Media -> Automatic for all of your movies.

What this does: it recreates all of your images/nfo files using the latest format/libraries of EMMr.

Again, I know this sucks, but I'm currently doing this exact same thing on my Win7 box so that I could solve your problem. It is working for me. So, try it. I hope it helps.
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