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[RELEASE] Collection: German video addons
Try the Version 2.2.1 from AddonScriptorDe Repository
Thanks for your help! I installed version 2.2.2 of the ZDF Mediathek addon from the Lost&Found repository. That alone didn't solve the problem. But I found the following error in the log file:

Quote:ERROR: Unable to load librtmp.so.1, reason: librtmp.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The solution was easy. I simply had to install the package lbrtmp1 on my Ubuntu 14.04.3 system.

sudo apt-get install librtmp1

Now everything works fine!

@huti: This might also work on your RasPi.
(2015-12-26, 16:44)psysfaction Wrote: This is because it is GEO blocked to Germany.
A way to get around is using a smart DNS.

I use this to access live-TV with Zatto for free in Bali.
The service I use is Unotelly

is there an advantage to using Unotelly vpn setup over the dns setup? it isn't much more $. Thanks
(2016-01-03, 14:07)discount Wrote: installed version 2.2.2 of the ZDF Mediathek addon from the Lost&Found repository. ...

The solution was easy. I simply had to install the package lbrtmp1 on my Ubuntu 14.04.3 system.

sudo apt-get install librtmp1
@huti: This might also work on your RasPi.

Thanks for the hints, I just had the time to install the ZDF Mediathek (2.2.2) from the Lost&Foound repo (didn't kn[/code]ow ef the existance so far...) and I installes librtmp. But it still doesn't work:
NOTICE: Creating InputStream
20:36:51 1371.825684 T:1565520928   ERROR: RTMP_Connect0, failed to connect socket. 111 (Connection refused)
20:36:51 1371.825928 T:1565520928   ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [rtmp://cp125301.edgefcs.net/ondemand/mp4:zdf/16/01/160104_google_wis_3256k_p15v12.mp4]
20:36:51 1371.826050 T:1565520928  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
20:36:51 1371.826782 T:1957786160   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: -1, path [plugin://plugin.video.zdf_de_lite/?url=2630854&mode=playVideo]
20:36:51 1371.826904 T:1957786160 WARNING: Attempt to set unplayable index -1
(2016-01-06, 21:49)huti Wrote: hanks for the hints, I just had the time to install the ZDF Mediathek (2.2.2) from the Lost&Foound repo (didn't kn[/code]ow ef the existance so far...) and I installes librtmp. But it still doesn't work

You can download a new version (2.2.5) from my repository (https://github.com/prof-membrane/reposit...mbrane.zip). You can disable the rtmp protocol in there: go to options>video and select the "rtmp to http conversion". Just be careful, other settings might not work.
Thanks membrane! I had also problems with ZDF mediathek, all videos stopped after a few seconds of playback. Your addon with enabled rtmp-http-conversion fixed it.

can someone explain why I only have list and symbol view with the zdf addon?

The ARD Mediathek 4.0.0. seems stopped working. Anyone has this problem?


Update - Looking at the kodi.log I see this -

NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
NOTICE: get: http://www.ardmediathek.de/tv/Film-Highl...v&rss=true
ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>
Error Contents: list index out of range
Traceback (most recent call last):

ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.ardmediathek_de/?einslike=True&mode=listVideosRss&nextpage=True&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ardmediathek.de%2ftv%2fFilm-Highlights%2fmehr%3fdocumentId%3d21301808%26m23644322%3dquelle.tv%26rss%3dtrue
ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.ardmediathek_de/?einslike=True&mode=listVideosRss&nextpage=True&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ardmediathek.de%2ftv%2fFilm-Highlights%2fmehr%3fdocumentId%3d21301808%26m23644322%3dquelle.tv%26rss%3dtrue) failed
I had the same problem last week. I have found that the format of the rss feed from ARD have changed slightly. The rss parser of the ARD Mediathek 4.0.0 now can't parse the xml correct. I have fixed the bugs in "default.py" on my Raspi and now the ARD mediathek now works again.
Last week I have posted the code changes in this thread but one day later my post was deleted without a notification. My question is: Where can I post code changes ?
It's now been over a month that the ARD-Mediathek has stopped working. On KODI as well as on the ARD web-page.

Does anybody know what is happening?

ARD-Mediathek funktioniert nun mehr schon über einen Monat nicht mehr, weder in KODI noch auf der Web-Seite der ARD.

Weiß da ggf. jemand was da los ist?
Does ARD Mediathek 4.2.0 work?
i only see 4.0 and this don't work here with kodi 17
| myHTPC |
Here's the right post. Add-on was fixt of membrane. Simply download the ARD add-on use.


Hi, I´m looking for a contact to the developer of the ServusTV addon, am I at the right place her?


(2016-04-26, 12:31)lotte67890 Wrote: Hi, I´m looking for a contact to the developer of the ServusTV addon, am I at the right place her?



Yes you are in the right place. THe Orginal developer has stopped. But mayby i can help you
What do you need. Or what is your Problem (What Version do you use?)
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[RELEASE] Collection: German video addons3