NVidia and Windows 7 Advice !!
eskro Wrote:yepp, thats why i linked to that thread!

it says clearely

The Aeon MQ 3 is an skin ONLY for XBMC Eden, you need an updated version of this site:

Windows version

My point was the OP has been attempting to get xbmc running the past day or two by trying openelec, ubuntu, the windows build... the issues they are having aren't going to be solved by a skin and given the lack of experience of the OP, it doesn't sound like a nightly build might be the best idea.
i know he had trouble,,,
but im just suggesting that since hes on win7
he could just try MQ3 and see...
tbh part of jumping OS was because I wanted to see them all. Now I've gained a pretty decent opinion on them.

ubuntu = for my hardware, I had to setup wifi drivers, sound and all the other drivers. xbmc ran pretty similar to windows too. also problems on resolution hooked up to TV.
windows = has it all except its more resource intensive and fanart was real hard
xbmc live = it was okay.. similar to ubuntu for me, couldn't get wifi working. sound/resolution problem.
openelec = was really nice and zippy but i think thats because of DDS fanart in hindsight. couldn't get wifi working easily enough. resolution problem. sound problem.

granted i solved most of the problems in each of them except live+openelecs wifi, i can justify windows 45 second boot into XBMC and long shutdowns for now.

Can I have two installs on windows 7: one my current XBMC and the other the nightly release with MQ3 and DDS fanart enabled to see the difference?

also, if anyone could point me in the direction of a DDS advancedsettings file + a way to find out if its working for me, i'd be very happy. does XBMC11 work well with it or is it optimised for it any way?
using notepad, you Need to edit --> Advancedsettings.xml
This file is in your XBMC UserData folder....
if its not there, just create it...
make a new TXT file and rename it to Advancedsettings.XML ,,,,,

DDS allows XBMC to use your GPU rendering fanart and some other images. This will make loading images considerably faster, especially on systems with slower processors (e.g. atom based systems).

To enable dds fanart in xbmc,
add the following to your advancedsettings.xml:


~hope this helps

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