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WIP RoM-Jacket for Advanced Launcher and Rom Collection Browser
Yeah i know a guy who grabbed it when it was relatively new. It can still be found in torrents and on newsgroups. It includes things like commercials, box art, and cartridge art. The organization is a little different, the US roms, Japanese, hacks, etc are all in different folders, not organized by sets
It appears this software beyond the scope of what I would intend for my automation and integration, but it would be awesome if someone was willing to look into integration with rom-jacket. I really intend for it to be veristile enough to let newbs use it, but it's all batch and i'd be honored if someone else wanted to host it and i'm happy to include different revisions on my page.
It's probably relevant to know that this wasn't software by itself, just a collection of roms and metadata about them. The actual display and use software was left up to the user. It's structure looked something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1163638/

Also, do you plan to release the source? Didn't see it on Google Code
(2012-08-24, 02:49)Bstrdsmkr Wrote: It's probably relevant to know that this wasn't software by itself, just a collection of roms and metadata about them. The actual display and use software was left up to the user. It's structure looked something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1163638/

Also, do you plan to release the source? Didn't see it on Google Code

HA! The source is top secret so don't look inside the installation folder.

To answer your question about the revx sets:
Short answer is yes. I would like to support THE comprehensive collection of roms that has metadata with it.

I don't know if that's out there, but this set looks pretty good.

The apparent layout in the link looks like it could be restructured pretty easily.
I'm not exactly sure what's going on with each of the folders:

Is each rom inside a folder of its name?
Are battery saves and quicksaves stored together in the "Saves" folder?

I could probably whip up a script that will automate integration, however I don't currently have support for manuals, cart-images, title-images, gamefaqs?, or misc extranious artwork.

Boxcovers, fanart and screenshots are the only images supported right now. Video data is stored in the .trailers folder but has not been integrated into fe's supporting preview videos yet.

PM me if you have access to this set and want to work on xbmc/wmc integration.
Hey, I've been playing with this for a few days and everything seems to be great, but I cannot for the life of me get it to work with FBAlpha. When I try, I get a message saying "...Users/appdata/roaming/XB is not supported by FBAlpha".

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
(2012-09-12, 22:47)manji Wrote: Hey, I've been playing with this for a few days and everything seems to be great, but I cannot for the life of me get it to work with FBAlpha. When I try, I get a message saying "...Users/appdata/roaming/XB is not supported by FBAlpha".

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Congratulations on being one of the 3 people using RoM-Jacket. I'm truly honored.

Post the contents of a launcher in a fba game directory.

can you zip up the log files and send them to me?
They're in "installation directory\...\RomJacket\logs

I thought we weren't supposed to look inside the installation folder. You said it was top secret. :-P
I'm confused by what you mean about posting the contents of a launcher in a fba directory.

I'm feeling I'm doing this wrong...
(2012-09-14, 22:28)manji Wrote: I'm confused by what you mean about posting the contents of a launcher in a fba directory.

I'm feeling I'm doing this wrong.

hehe. It is entirely my fault that you are having difficulty.

Inside each rom-directory is a launcher (.bat file). if you right-click and choose "edit" the contents will show up in notepad.
It looks similar to this example: (psx launcher):

SET EMUL=C:\Emulators\psx
SET EMUZ=psxfin
SET DAMVAR=C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTlite.exe
copy /Y "*.ini" "%EMUL%"
::[DSP]displayswitch /internal
::::[XPT] for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('dir /B /A-D "*.xpadderprofile"') do cmd /c "%XPADDER%" /m "%ROMD%\%%~na1" "%ROMD%\%%~na2"
cd "%EMUL%"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('dir /B /A-D "%ROMD%\*.bin"') do start /wait "" "%EMUZ%.exe" -f "%ROMD%\%%~na.bin"
copy /Y "*.ini" "%ROMD%"
::[DSP]displayswitch /extend
::::[XPT]cmd /c "%XPADDER%" /m MediaCenter1 nolayout2

I am not sure how you set up your system:
Did you put roms into a cps or neo-geo directory?
Did you select FBA as the emulator for "arcade" games

I want RJ to work for you, however please understand that this software is updated daily and contains many bugs.
(2012-09-13, 01:30)sudopinion Wrote: Congratulations on being one of the 3 people using RoM-Jacket. I'm truly honored.
Don't be so negative Wink
I am playing around with this for a few days too now, still trying to get into it, but so far everything seems to be working quite well.
Respect for this project Smile

On a side note:
Did you consider switching to PowerShell instead of cmd?
It has a few more possibilities and isn't so... infuriating as the cmd Wink

Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.

(2012-09-21, 14:48)HenryFord Wrote: ...
Respect for this project Smile

On a side note:
Did you consider switching to PowerShell instead of cmd?
It has a few more possibilities and isn't so... infuriating as the cmd Wink

Thanks! I have considered powershell and may learn it at some point. I think I will learn python next as it integrates into several 3d packages, however future development may proceed in several languages.

Ultimately I would like to see a real programmer/s take the reigns.
EDIT: Sorry, I've figured it out although the process gets hung up on the Romulating process. I only have a few N64 roms, way smaller than the library you show in the video, so I'm not sure why it's taking so long.

(2012-10-27, 20:58)Effingood Wrote: EDIT: Sorry, I've figured it out although the process gets hung up on the Romulating process. I only have a few N64 roms, way smaller than the library you show in the video, so I'm not sure why it's taking so long.


Try to process the console folder individually:
Configure>Games>Select>Console>Nintendo 64>...

This is beta software and contains bugs, so please pm me and I'll be happy to spend some one-on-one time if you run into more problems.
"Just relax and let RoM-Jacket handle your joystick." in description

Man i laughed so hard
Image Image
I can't wait to get home and try this,
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RoM-Jacket for Advanced Launcher and Rom Collection Browser2