Solved Tapatalk Update
i get an email but not actual push notification
do you get push notifications on other tapatalk forums?
yeah but just not here for some reason..........i did contact support because the had to re register my device and now its works great apart from here !
can someone post again ??
Push is not working for me at all, not here or elsewhere.. Hopefully at least those "thread does not exists" errors are gone
from what I have read push is only working on latest iPhone version. But I'm not and don't really follow their development. Just read that info while doing some research for the update.
It works on ios5 and ios6

Someone post again think might have sorted it
I did receive few pushes from XBMC forums yesterday, i didn't change a thing in my end.

Yay push is now working for me thank you
I´m having a strange issue. Not sure if it´s related to the update....

Whenever I am browsing all the latest posts, Tapatalk needs to load new threads when I´m at the bottom of the list.
This is not working for me on this forum. It´s working on all the other forums I visit. Here it´s just loading and loading and loading, but nothing is happening.

Anyone else with this issue?

Tried uninstalling/reinstalling.
Did wipe all the appdata.

Tapatalk works great on me.
Just to clarify push is totally working for me now
(2012-10-03, 13:21)cirkator Wrote: I´m having a strange issue. Not sure if it´s related to the update....

Whenever I am browsing all the latest posts, Tapatalk needs to load new threads when I´m at the bottom of the list.
This is not working for me on this forum. It´s working on all the other forums I visit. Here it´s just loading and loading and loading, but nothing is happening.

Anyone else with this issue?

Tried uninstalling/reinstalling.
Did wipe all the appdata.

Same issue here - tells me 'an invalid search was performed' - that is, when looking at the Latest / Unread tacb - the first 40 posts load ok but when you pull down for more this is happening with 100% frequency for me. Sad

Was fine before the update.
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Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.

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