Kodi Slooooow startup ?
I tried the logging tip but that didn't make any difference for me. I've gone back to the old version. More stable from my testings.
Same issue with latest 14.2 kodi version.
Tried @delfincek workaround and got from 25 seconds to just 3 seconds, thanks!
Taking a look at the log files, I also think it could be related to determining supported resolutions while attached to a HDMI Tv.
Later I will try with no monitors attached to my kodi htpc so I can check if this is the source.
Thanks, delfincek!
Thank you so much! We have some very smart people here. Indeed, kodi 14.2 is plagued with Kodi trying to detect native res on HDMI inputs before it launches. In situations where we manually lower the native res, it hangs and creates log dumps. By disabling the logs, it fixes the issue. Going to the native res would also technically fix the issue. Hopefully this bug gets squashed in version 15.

Thanks all especially delfincek
The issue was fixed, you can try next nightly build to check this.
(2014-12-26, 12:09)delfincek Wrote: Hiya,
I found a workaround for this slow sturtup of KODI. You need to completely disable logging. How do you do that?
You need to crate yourself a new file named advancedsettings.xml. Do that with Notepad and copy the lines below into it.
<loglevel hide="true">-1</loglevel>
You need to place advancedsettings.xml file inside this folder: %appdata%\KODI\userdata\

If advancedsettings.xml already exists in %appdata%\KODI\userdata\ folder you will need to modify it so that includes the line:
<loglevel hide="true">-1</loglevel>

KODI will now start fast as it should. Logging will be disabled though.
best, d.

Thank you. This works for me.
(2021-02-18, 14:24)tomiboy Wrote: Thank you. This works for me.

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Kodi Slooooow startup ?0