Bug Exception caught on main loop. Exiting.
(2016-02-11, 08:15)elborracho Wrote: Maybe try disabling DXVA2 video acceleration if its enabled.

just checked it and its already disabled
Ah maybe a bumb steer on my part then but i guess worth a try its only a 5 - 10 min fix if you have a remote display or such like rather than having to plug in a monitor to do it.
Crashed again during the night.
Didn't got a new .dmp file as of now

Crash Logs:
kodi.log: http://xbmclogs.com/p6bl0rm0o
kodi.old.log: http://xbmclogs.com/pskhsxebv
Crashed again a few times but this time i also got a new .dmp file

Crash Logs:
kodi.log: http://xbmclogs.com/prbfndcji
kodi.old.log: http://xbmclogs.com/pvfie64fo

Dump Files:
(2016-02-11, 21:34)DaLeberkasPepi Wrote: @Derek
i dont have any display connected to the pc since i use it as a server. i only control it with RDP. but i'll try the nvidia fix anyway.

i dont play any videos on that machine. Kodi only runs to update my library as soon as new tv shows or movies are recorded and processed. but i'll try that aswell

yeah i noticed that aswell. but i didn't get a new .dmp file as of now. I'll post it here if i get a new one.

Already caught 2 crashes today. They seem to be happening pretty randomly to me as of now.

updated logs:
kodi.log: http://xbmclogs.com/pn1nw6hi5
kodi.old.log: http://xbmclogs.com/piwrgwf2o

I have the same setup as you, running kodi on a windows server 2012 R2 machine.

Keep getting this error. Any solutions for this so far?
it seems like kodi only crashes if i close my rdp connection while the kodi window is open.
I always minimized kodi before closing the rdp window and i hadn't had a crash for a few days now.
(2016-02-24, 18:05)DaLeberkasPepi Wrote: it seems like kodi only crashes if i close my rdp connection while the kodi window is open.
I always minimized kodi before closing the rdp window and i hadn't had a crash for a few days now.
From Kodi's point of view it looks like you unplug GPU from the computer. RDP connection has it's own derectx device. When Kodi minimized it doesn't try to render at all and crash doesn't occurs. Don't use Kodi in RDP session or configure your windows to enable multiple concurrent RDP user sessions. It allows you to remotely control your HTPC without Kodi's windows.
(2016-02-26, 12:37)afedchin Wrote: From Kodi's point of view it looks like you unplug GPU from the computer. RDP connection has it's own derectx device. When Kodi minimized it doesn't try to render at all and crash doesn't occurs. Don't use Kodi in RDP session or configure your windows to enable multiple concurrent RDP user sessions. It allows you to remotely control your HTPC without Kodi's windows.
It's not only in RDP sessions. I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 that is plugged into my TV and runs most of the tim. When I'm finished watching somehing I lock the user (win+L) while Kodi is still in Fullscreen and switch of the TV. The next time I switch on the TV and log in, Kodi crashed. Missing GPU/display seems to be an issue here.
Happens since I updated to 16.0 final, coming from previous 15.x.
hmmmm very strange i run alot of boxes without screens and dont have problems but not witth kodi but mad ass remote GFX im amazed thats a problem
So ya... First Issue is this and I am running Server 2012 R2 and Yes Ive jumped through a few hoops to get this to run but this loop error is very LAME... I appreciate the work you have all done for this amazing project/product. Would like to figure this out and start giving some input.
Enough tickets and threads raised on this subject.

Simple fact is that no one knows what is happening and why. No dev has this is so it's impossible to fix as crashlogs on this are useless.

Thanks now - ill get my coat.............
Just to throw into the mix.

I had this error repeatedly on master in debug for a day, but was unable to locate the cause. Then after repeated rebuilds, examining crash logs, lots of poking at my network/setup with no noticeable changes, it suddenly started working and has not done this since. I have no idea if the cause was the same as here, if there is one cause or many, nor how to catch it. I'm a dev team member but whatever the issue it is not in my area of expertise. So sorry, not a clue Sad
Hence read my comment above Smile But agree'd its those damn gremlins
It's something elusive, it happen to me to-day, it was a double finger bounce on the '\' slash full window key and got the exception on main loop requester. The screen was black, but mousing around in the window I could see a hidden window with graphics. I suspect some sort of graphic routine error, if I can add to this information, I will, but at this point, I've seen it twice in hundreds of runs using Jarvis release without a snag.
Ive had it once on not my main PC and never again and hopefully it'll stay that way.

Look at Microsoft theyve been trying to fix windows since at least 3.1 some things are elusive Smile

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Exception caught on main loop. Exiting.0