Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Back button from video player to info screen and from info screen to home
I guess it's because the home screen uses the ,return function when clicking a TV show but this can't be used when calling up the info dialog.
Opens the given window. The parameter window can either be the window's id, or in the case of a standard window, the window's name. See Window IDs for a list of window names, and their respective ids. If, furthermore, the window is Music, Video, Pictures, or Program files, then the optional dir parameter specifies which folder Kodi should default to once the window is opened. This must be a source as specified in sources.xml, or a subfolder of a valid source. For some windows (MusicLibrary and VideoLibrary), the return parameter may be specified, which indicates that Kodi should use this folder as the "root" of the level, and thus the "parent directory" action from within this folder will return the user to where they were prior to the window activating.
Okay, That's too bad. It's a small problem in usability but I can definitely live with it. Thank you for your help though!

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