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CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents
There will be a standalone .exe and .app. But for now I have no idea how to do this. I've looked at some python to exe/app scripts, but my low skill in python don't help me here.. Tongue

Are there any other files besides subs that need moved? I mostly only download HD mkv's, so the subs are included and XBMC handles the rest.
I don't want to make a cleanup script just yet. Not want to risk removing "important" files. Maybe an options to fill in what extensions should be copied too..

As for the avimerge. This won't be implemented, XBMC handles multiple files just fine Wink
But I could make an option to run a custom python script on the moved files.
RuudBurger Wrote:@Freek:
Are there any other files besides subs that need moved? I mostly only download HD mkv's, so the subs are included and XBMC handles the rest.
I don't want to make a cleanup script just yet. Not want to risk removing "important" files. Maybe an options to fill in what extensions should be copied too..

There's normally a few different files contained in the rar's (I can't think of any others but .nfo and .srt off the top of my head but there are more). I like the idea of being able to select what extensions are copied over then the rest is just junk Wink
RuudBurger Wrote:As for the avimerge. This won't be implemented, XBMC handles multiple files just fine Wink
But I could make an option to run a custom python script on the moved files.

Again, the custom script option would be excellent and will be able to solve more than I requested.

Very nice initiative! I also have an input:

It would be really nice to make it download movies in a smart way and totally independent of inputs, like sickbeard does for series. of course for movies it is less straightforward. One possible way i have in mind would be the following:
The program scans a release website (i.e. a (not-warez!!) website that posts scene releases) for new posts/movies. When it has found a new item, it should go through a boolean challenge, e.g. download=true if imdbscore>6 and imdb_numberofvote>1000 and....
The advantage of scene release websites compared to nzb sites is that only new releases are posted and by category (dvdrip/TS etc), while on nzb sites the movies are posted multiple times and categories are mostly xvid, which can be multiple formats.
An exemple of such a website: scenereleases.info

I think (but not completely sure) ember media managers also works with a command line. This could be run afterwards to get fanart, trailer, etc...

Do you think this would be feasible (on long term offcourse).

That sounds like an awesome idea! and pretty feasible.
I'm thinking of including http://imdbpy.sourceforge.net/ anyway. because i notice theMovieDB misses some info sometime..
RuudBurger Wrote:@kri_kri
There will be a standalone .exe and .app. But for now I have no idea how to do this. I've looked at some python to exe/app scripts, but my low skill in python don't help me here.. Tongue
I was thinking along the same lines as sickbeard - that runs on python - maybe midgetspy could help you out a bit?
I wrote something like this also. Mine is just command line and only does the latest movies released though. I used film jabbers rss feed for recently released movies and just pull the current weeks releases, check imdb for the rating and if it passes the rating check go hunting for an nzb.


Oh yea and my code probably looks like a 5 year old wrote it compared to this.Laugh I only took one intro CS class that had some python in it so I hack at it until something works.
This is very similar to the one on sabnzbd unless I missed something still a good idea Smile

indeed, some attempts are already done, but it was the same with sickbeard and look where it is now, nothing is coming close to that one anymore.
Finding an intelligent way to keep your movie database up to date is the way to go. Only searching new releases and cleaning up afterwards with scraping and/or renaming is what most people are looking for. together with a nice looking gui it will blast the competition awaySmile
Sickbeard for movies (..and music albums) pretty much sums up what I want.

Being able to automatically download movies with particular actors or directors would be nice indeed.

I know this would be a lot of coding effort however..
Just a quick one on installing, I have a Qnap NAS and was hoping to install this alongside Sickbeard which is already running perfectly.

python2.6, pylons and sqlalchemy installed.

When I run the install script "python setup.py install" I get the following output:

[/share/Qweb/Movie-Manager] # python setup.py install
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "setup.py", line 37, in <module>
  File "/opt/lib/python2.6/distutils/core.py", line 113, in setup
    _setup_distribution = dist = klass(attrs)
  File "/share/HDA_DATA/Qweb/Movie-Manager/setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg/setuptools/dist.py", line 219, in __init__
  File "/share/HDA_DATA/Qweb/Movie-Manager/setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg/setuptools/dist.py", line 243, in fetch_build_eggs
  File "/share/HDA_DATA/Qweb/Movie-Manager/setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg/pkg_resources.py", line 522, in resolve
  File "/share/HDA_DATA/Qweb/Movie-Manager/setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg/pkg_resources.py", line 758, in best_match
  File "/share/HDA_DATA/Qweb/Movie-Manager/setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg/pkg_resources.py", line 770, in obtain
  File "/share/HDA_DATA/Qweb/Movie-Manager/setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg/setuptools/dist.py", line 284, in fetch_build_egg
  File "/opt/lib/python2.6/distutils/cmd.py", line 117, in ensure_finalized
  File "/share/HDA_DATA/Qweb/Movie-Manager/setuptools-0.6c9-py2.6.egg/setuptools/command/easy_install.py", line 154, in finalize_options
distutils.errors.DistutilsOptionError: /opt/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages (in --site-dirs) is not on sys.path

ANy ideas what might be the issue and how to resolve?

anyone able to point me to the file the contains the sources for searching? I've been poking around but haven't found it yet.... guess I'm challenged Smile

The last line seems to point to a python2.5 directory..
As I said, I'm a total python noob and am just using it for a week now Wink so I hope someone else can point you in the right direction..

So i finally got around to installing it...

My very 1st test was unsuccessful because when adding a movie, you use the
original title on IMDB instead of the title in our country/language.

This will be a problem for lots of foreign movies as a lot of NZBs are released
under the english name.

Also, some people may want to download a movie in their own language so they
won't look for Brooklyn's Finest but rather Gesetz der Straße.

One way to do this is to select the title we wish to use outta all the available
title on IMDB just like where you say select the right movie, select the title.

The movie i used that made me find the bug was RoboGeisha. It is released as
RoboGeisha [International (English title)] but it is added to the movie manager
as Robo-Geisha [Japan (original title)]

[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]
So i added 5 movies including one that i know is on NZBs.org right now and was
released 12 days ago.

Did the force search for all movies and the force search for that specific movie
but it didn't find anything.

The movie is Platoon (1986) in 1080p

[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]
I'll look into the alternative/foreign movie titles. It uses the MovieDB as default btw, I'll check out if they have an alternative title list or something..

Adding a movie does a "force search" for that specific movie, so forcing a search just after adding it isn't necessary..
Platoon 1080p does download here. Did you configure your SABnzbd connection correctly? Check the log file.

Thanks for the feedback!

Tried adding RoboGeisha (720p), which is found just fine. Any other movies that don't work for you?
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CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents11