Samba sharing in XBMCLive Beta
ok I tried this but cannot access the linux files from windows (7), keep getting prompted for a user/pass. I tried entering my xbmc acct info, guest/no password, root/xbmc pass... none allowed access.

Dahrma Live Beta 2 (full disk install, user: xbmc pass: xxxxxx)

Ran sudo apt-get update
ran sudo apt-get install samba

Added the following to /etc/samba/smb.conf

workgroup = danhome
netbios name = XBMCLive
security = SHARE
auth methods = guest
domain master = No
wins support = Yes

comment = XBMC System Share
path = /
force user = xbmc
inherit permissions = yes
read only = No
guest ok = Yes

any suggestions?

EDIT: OK you can tell I am a linux noob... guess you can't share the root of the drive... once I set the system share to /home... all was good
another problem, for some reason my Win7 pc just stopped showing my HTPC box, I have started and stopped samba, im not sure whats going on, but my mapped network drives are not there, nor is my HTPC showing up in the network...

maybe a uninstall and reinstall of samba is needed?


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