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Beta Arctic Horizon 2
(2024-08-30, 18:19)lococola Wrote:
(2024-08-30, 17:03)ChocOranger Wrote:
(2024-08-25, 21:07)lococola Wrote: 1. That specific path you mention does not exist on my sd card. I did find /addons/skin.arctic.horizon.2/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po, but in that file #20370 doesn't exist. I checked each line in the file for something that could be the plot information dialog, but I couldn't find it.

2. Ok, bummer but not a deal-breaker.

3. I do have the scroll bar, but there is no alphabet listing. I noticed this is a problem with certain layouts only. Any layout that is horizontal, i.e. where you scroll horizontally through movies, you do get the alphabet strip which you can use. But any layout that has vertical scrolling, like Media Info Wall, you have to scroll to the left to get the scroll bar, but there is no alphabet strip.
1. Kodi controls the "Hidden to prevent spoilers" text. The file is in the Kodi addons not the skin's addons. If you can't access the file (eg in Android) attach the sd card to a PC and edit the file there.

3. No vertical layouts have the Alphabet strip. The script is only for Horizontal layouts.
 Maybe some simple copy/pasting of the right code could add an alphabet scroll for the Media Info Wall layout in Arctic Horizon 2, would be good enough for me. Any idea if this can be done?
I doubt it'll work copying between skins, it would probably be easiest to use the existing horizontal alphabet strip as a starting point. If I get some time I'll have a look but don't hold your breath.

As an easy workaround why not map two keys on your remote to the actions 'NextLetter' and 'PrevLetter'. If you are short on keys on the remote try mapping keys you don't use in the interface and remap them for Fullscreen video and OSD (eg FWD and RWD)
See https://kodi.wiki/view/Keymap
I'm trying to add custom menu entry items to link to my library's within Plex e.g Anime I then tried to create a Fullscreen widget to show reverently added from that library but when I scroll over that menu Item I see the background art of a anime but the list etc is all missing?

clicking into the menu takes my to my anime library but the home screen just doesn't show anything other then the background art

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