Wow, I've felt the need to stop reading and take a pause at rendering, to thank Warner306. This is by far the most comprehensive madvr bible I've came across. All the documentation linked, dude, you're amazing! This could've been a waitbutwhy longform, along with the blue circles and boxes anyone who decided to go down the rabbit hole would be expected to read at this point.
By reading this, beside the invaluable knowledge bla bla bla, i was able to:
1- Eliminate pretty much all banding since my display accepts 10bit (although from a side quest (aka link) you've posted, there's no way to be sure that it's outputting at said 10 bit). In my case, this was done by a combination of the madvr rgb enforcer thingy in the madvr install file and Intel HD4600 IGPU control panel tuning (figured that one on my own like a big boy!) , along with another side quest to test with the gradient-16bit.png file opened with mpc-hc (and coincidentally, madvr). Even at 8bit, windowed mode (not exclusive) fixed banding. not sure this could be brought in court as evidence, but it looks pretty damn sexy to me!
2- See point 1. I thought I was on a streak, but this, so far, was the best improvement. Ninja links for the win!
Note: I've been toying with madvr, mpc-hc, reclock, lav filters for the last couple of days. Sank way more time than i care to admit (ok, maybe 8 hours).
I do have questions however, even though they might not be directly related to this thread. I'm sure I'm not the only one to whom it happened in here.
1- I wasn't able to set reclock audio output as wasapi exclusive. It works, but I hear pops and cracks, which is pretty annoying. Directsound works well though. My audio setup is a Fiio E17 plugged in usb (waiting for my optical cable to be shipped). On USB, it can output 24bit/96KHz, which is what reclock's set to. No amount of fiddling would remove the pops and crack when using wasapi. Wasapi is set on foobar, and it works well. What gives?
2- Pretty much around the time I've switched to 10bit, madvr and reclock seem to be a bit buggy. ctrl+j showing stats, but the stats box flashing... Reclock having a harder time turning to green (tho to be honest, a/v still looked like it was in sync). It often flashes from green to red repeatedly. Sometimes it's ok... I've tested multiple sources and I'm having a hard time replicating these errors. I've read that the 10bit pursuit can be a pain on its own, and might not be worth it... But I did also read that madvr is a placebo by some users, which I know is not true.
Any help would be appreciated, and results reported here for future reference. But in any case, thanks for this great thread! I hope more people come across it.
Edit: Anyone wondering what the Intel control panel settings could/should be, feel free to ask in this thread. It will be my pleasure to try and help you! In the case of the Intel HD4600, I could even guide you on how to overclock that puppy to 1700MHz. Did not test before / after benchmarks, but it was stress tested with XTU and is stable. YMMV depending on your cooling, and where you stand in the silicon lottery. Performance should be up tho, since dxva2 copy-back (or quicksync if it's your thing (QS saves watts, but dxva2 copy-back was tested and is a better performer (Source: )) uses hardware acceleration.
Hardware: i5 4670k cooled by Thermaltake Frio tower air cooler on Asus z-87-A mobo, 8GB of hyper-x genysis 1600MHz (XMP), Radeon 6950 with unlocked shaders (strictly for gaming couple times a year, I hate hearing a leafblower while watching movies), Fiio E17 DAC, Sandisk SSD, WD Black HDD, Thermaltake tr-2 600W PSU