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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script
I love pseudoTV. But one thing i would change. i´d like to have 2 kinds of channel logos. one coloured in the epg and one white/diffused in the fullscreen. where can i change that in the code?
I wanted to stop the video osd from appearing (using quartz skin) so i edited the dialogseekbar.xml in the skins folder.

That worked great but does anyone know how I can make it come back when i'm fast forwarding, rewinding and pausing?

all i've done so far is add the following line:
+ !Window.IsVisible(script.pseudotv.TVOverlay.xml)

My new and previous <visable> sections are below in case anyone can spot what i've done wrong:

My new <visable> section is like this:
<visible>![Window.IsVisible(SliderDialog) | Window.IsVisible(OSDVideoSettings) | Window.IsVisible(OSDAudioSettings) | Window.IsVisible(VideoBookmarks) | Window.IsActive(script-XBMC-Subtitles-main.xml)]</visible>
  <visible>Window.IsVisible(FullScreenVideo) + !Window.IsVisible(script.pseudotv.TVOverlay.xml) + [Window.IsActive(videoosd.xml) | Player.Seeking | Player.DisplayAfterSeek | Player.Paused | Player.Forwarding | Player.Rewinding | Player.Caching]</visible>

My previous/old <visable> section was like this:
<visible>![Window.IsVisible(SliderDialog) | Window.IsVisible(OSDVideoSettings) | Window.IsVisible(OSDAudioSettings) | Window.IsVisible(VideoBookmarks) | Window.IsActive(script-XBMC-Subtitles-main.xml)]</visible>
  <visible>Window.IsVisible(FullScreenVideo) + [Window.IsActive(videoosd.xml) | Player.Seeking | Player.DisplayAfterSeek | Player.Paused | Player.Forwarding | Player.Rewinding | Player.Caching]</visible>
Also, on a separate note, does anyone know how i can disable the stop button (the keyboard "x" button) whilst in pseudotv?

My family and I are very used to pressing stop when we want a video to stop, but when in pseudotv the stop button takes you back to xbmc's home menu but the navigation is frozen (using quartz skin by the way).
Couple of additional questions, can anyone help?

1. Is there any way of having channel logo's that are just plain old numbers?

2. Also, is there anyway of having the Channel Title appear in the NOW Playing dialog?

3. When I press number 6 to change to channel 6 is there anyway of setting it up so i don't have to press enter

4. I have a music channel which works great except in the EPG the video titles don't appear, there is just a huge list of dots. I know its becaus ethe duration of the video is too short fr the video title to appear, but i just wondered if anyone had found a way to make this lok better because it just looks messy to the casual viewer (family etc).

Just trying to make navigation a bit more clear for my parents and kids etc

Incredible work by the way, brilliant!
hello guys
can any one help me please is there any add ons for tv tokyo and fuji tv?
(2012-11-11, 18:27)EMMAWATSON Wrote: hello guys
can any one help me please is there any add ons for tv tokyo and fuji tv?

this discussion is about an addon that makes xbmc pretend to be a traditional tv, with tv channels (the channels only show stuff that is already in your xbmc.

why don't you post your question here http://forum.xbmc.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=154 or here http://www.xbmchub.com/forums/general-vi...iscussion/
What was the last supported version of XBMC? I get a script failed error every time I try to use PsuedoTV's latest dev version.
As far as channel names you may want to check out the rule that allows you to name a channel. As far as the logo displaying a number you could design a png piece of art which would be number and use that as a logo. A good open source photo shop like program is GIMP which I have used to create custom logos for several channels.
I have been messing around with this program for 2 weeks and it mostly works great but I still have the following questions
1.I want to be able to change the channel using the numbers on my usb keyboard but the only numbers that seem to work are 1 and 0. How can I configure this properly?
2. I'm still confused about the interleaving process. I'm trying to recreate a programming block of shows and I only want one show to play at a time.
3. To change the skin of the Pseudotv epg do i have to change the skin of xbmc or can i customize the epg seperately.
4. Best effort scheduling does not seem to work. Do channels have to have certain settings to appear at a certain time.
(2012-11-12, 02:26)xecutionx Wrote: What was the last supported version of XBMC? I get a script failed error every time I try to use PsuedoTV's latest dev version.

I believe it was somewhere around Alpha 4 or 5 of XBMC Frodo. I believe it's do to the bump in the version of Python used. With the improvements made to JSON, it'd probably be a good idea for someone to have a look at that side of things as well. JSON querying is crazy fast now which should allow for more options to skinners.
(2012-11-12, 12:18)willburstyle06 Wrote: 2. I'm still confused about the interleaving process. I'm trying to recreate a programming block of shows and I only want one show to play at a time.

Instead of Interleaving if you want to create a programming block I would suggest using Smart Playlists.

I can create a programming block of any size which will play the same shows in a row, randomized.

For this demo I will just use four shows, Smallville, Arrow, Buffy, and Angel

Create the following four playlists stored in the XBMC Playlists Video Folder, you can use any show you want. You can see that each playlist is setup to play one show at random:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="episodes">
<rule field="tvshow" operator="is">Angel</rule>
<order direction="ascending">random</order>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="episodes">
<rule field="tvshow" operator="is">Arrow</rule>
<order direction="ascending">random</order>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="episodes">
<name>Buffy the Vampire Slayer</name>
<rule field="tvshow" operator="is">Buffy the Vampire Slayer</rule>
<order direction="ascending">random</order>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="episodes">
<rule field="tvshow" operator="is">Smallville</rule>
<order direction="ascending">random</order>

Now create the following playlist in the same folder. Now this playlist will not do anything in XBMC but you can use it as a playlist channel and PsuedoTV will know how to use it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="mixed">
<name>My Program Block</name>
<rule field="playlist" operator="is">Smallville.xsp</rule>
<rule field="playlist" operator="is">Arrow.xsp</rule>
<rule field="playlist" operator="is">Buffy the Vampire Slayer.xsp</rule>
<rule field="playlist" operator="is">Angel.xsp</rule>

The playlist channel will play all four shows in the sequence above randomly. If you don't want the randomization you can change it to play the show in sequence.
Thank you it worked great.Is there a way I could incorporate intros videos for the shows into each playlist.
Besides that the only thing left I need to figure out is changing the channel with the keyboard numbers and changing the skin of the epg to look better.
Can somebody help me with the channel logos. I want a coloured logo in the epg and the small white-diffused in the fullscreen. what do i have to change in the code to have two logos in two different folders??
(2012-11-13, 08:49)barney stinsen Wrote: I want a coloured logo in the epg and the small white-diffused in the fullscreen.

I solved this by creating two different image sets stored in the same folder. For example: "France 3.png" and "France 3_c.png". After that I replaced "+ '.png')" with "+ '_c.png')" on line 220 and 707 in "EPGwindow.py".

self.getControl(321 + i).setImage(self.channelLogos + self.MyOverlayWindow.channels[curchannel - 1].name + '_c.png')

The channel logo that appears on the video as an overlay is a fullscreen png (in my case 1920x1080). This way I can match the position, size, color or transparency of the original broadcast image. It has the same filename as the TV channel specified by the playlist, so Pseudo picks it up as the default one.

The channel logos for the epg are also transparent pngs, but i guess you can use wathever you'll find on the web. These have the "_c" at the end of the filename.

For this to work properly, you also need to modify the dimensions of the Channel Bug in "script.pseudotv.TVOverlay.xml" which is in the skin's directory. I could not get Pseudo to pick up the 1080p folder, so got stuck with 720p.

<control type="image" id="103">
    <description>Channel Bug</description>

This pack contains the above mentioned images. I hope there are a few you can use for yourself.
I been getting one or more files failed to playback check log can someone help? It was working fine the other day
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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script25