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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script
I like all of the discussion here. I'll be happy to know when the durations are actually determined.

As I said, I'd give updates when I have them. I've been experimenting with different methods of creating the channel data that I need. It's far from complete (or even very usable) but my current tests show that a channel that used to take a minute to sort out and store the data for now takes about 10 seconds. Hopefully this will actually include more information about each channel, as well, so all of the fun little things that skinners want to do can be done. It's still very much a work in progress, but I thought it worthy of a status report.
See Jonathan's response in my http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=93749. THis is from an XBMC Developer.

Quote:It's not done during scan. Nowhere does it say that it's done during a scan.

It's done (in the background) as and when required - eg while browsing a list or when playing a video.

Note that DVD images are only done on playback (as you must play the image in order to get accurate information).
I went ahead and performed the scan test with a single movie file only. No thumbnails, no nfo, nothing but the movie file itself. Here is a screenshot showing the new file has been scanned by XBMC and assigned idFile=7035.


Here is a screenshot showing where idFile 7035 does not have a corresponding record in the streamdetails table.


Looks like we will have to wait to see if the XBMC dev team will add this as a feature of future versions (not guaranteed), build our own tool to do this, wait for one of the other media managers to add this functionality or manually trigger the update via playlists.

I am installing Visual Studio C# Express to see if maybe I can hack something together to do what we want. Sranshaft, thanks for sharing your code. I will start with that as my baseline and see if I can add the sqlite functionality around it.

That would be great, but doesn't the development of something like this bring up another issue? That being that a tool like this would be great for those files that are in the library at the time it is run. What happens with subsequent video files that are entered after the fact? This operation would need to take place every time we add a file? Or are you considering an operation that may have a watchdog that would automagically do what needed to be done whenever a new file is added to the library?

If one of the third party managers had the ability to add the proper tag, would that take care of the problem? And is the tag <durationinseconds> ?

You could schedule it to run periodically. I already do this with some scripts I have to organize my video files. Not the most elegant solution. Heck, I don't even know if I have the coding skillz to make the program work.
jtucker1972 Wrote:durationinseconds is still used. It's just how they report duration in the API which was set back to the way it was.

Then what did these two replies by jmarshall mean:

Quote:Will look at this over the weekend - it'll be fixed up for Dharma b2.


Quote:r33533 reverts listitem.duration back to reporting in minutes.

Unfortunately it's non-trivial to switch it to using the time layout stuff, but we can look at doing something like that after Dharma.

And also this post - http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=92225&page=2 brought this response:

Quote:If an nfo file exists it uses that information (whether complete or not) and ignores any changes from a scrape.

And that is what I'm experiencing. Like I said I scraped new movies in Ember not getting a duration. The movies got picked up by Psuedo with no prior xbmc playback. The only issue was that the skin I'm using did not display how many minutes the movie was. But that didn't affect the playback of files in Psuedo for me.

I also, like I've been saying, think my issues are files that Psuedo can't play at this time. When I get a duration time out error (and I still do) I look at the xbmc log and see that it picked up one avi and 10+ iso files and a stacked file. I didn't and I will but a first thought is that the script just dumps out with an error message after finding so many non-duration files (at least that it can determine.)


mwkurt -

Quote:If one of the third party managers had the ability to add the proper tag, would that take care of the problem? And is the tag <durationinseconds> ?

That's what I'm trying to do with a fix or fork to Media Companion. A 3rd Party tool should be able to add and delete info on the fly. So if XBMC needs the information now a quick scan is all you need. My problem is trying to track down what information (tags like runtime or duration) is used now for xbmc.

Look at this page - http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Imp...ary#Movies

The example there is with the <runtime> tag. I give devs that there is a lot of information to maintain (especially with wiki pages) so I may just ask what tags are now being used and which ones are depreciated.

I for one will not stop using Ember or Media Companion because of my custom tv shows and movies that don't have info on the net. XBMC is great for movies that have existing information on the net in a popular database. But what do you do when you have family movies? I put my christmas specials into a Christmas television show. I can't do that with XBMC alone. Yeah I know I can export the database, but I like what the tools do and plus I get the GUI for the information which is nice.
I tend to agree with you. I like having the control over my files and I also like to add some custom genres to my nfo files. I have just started to use Media Companion and would be grateful if you got a fix for it and passed it to me. :o)

I've been reading up on sqlite. It is not very good at supporting multiple client connections to the database. Therefore, I am going to hedge against created a third-party app which would be making select and inserts at the same time XBMC is. This could cause some unforseen issues with the DB. So, in my opinion, it's a no go on the app development.
@TheDoughboy, listitem.duration has to do with how the duration data is returned from the database, not how it is inserted. The developers had changed the format for how the duration was returned to ##:##:##. They then switched it back to minutes like before.

As to post http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=92225&page=2, it is correct. If there is an nfo, XBMC will use the information in the nfo even if some information is missing, i.e. <durationinseconds>. If the nfo's output by the various media managers can be updated to output the nfo's in the same format as XBMC exports them, then all would be fine. However, none do at this time.

If you want to see how the nfo should look for XBMC, see my thread at http://forums.mediacentermaster.com/view...f=4&t=2147.

As for, "The movies got picked up by Psuedo with no prior xbmc playback." then duration was captured in the background when a playlist was opened. According to Jonathan (an actual XBMC developer) it only gets captured during playback or when viewing a playlist. And Jonathan also stated that for iso's, it would only capture during playback.

If the nfo was output as these are, then XBMC would update the durations and other streamdetails just fine. However, I don't believe ANY media manager currently scrapes the video file header data to get the actual files duration. Rather, they depend on what the duration is based on imdb, themovie, thetvdb, or other movie or tv scraper. These are not necessarily the same as the file's actual duration.

You guys can say I don't know what I am talking about, but my test results have been validated by what Jonathan has stated.

Also, there is no HTTP API, JSON API, or other API in XBMC that will enable you to automatically trigger the durations to be scanned from the file. So there is no way to automate this. The only option is to periodically reopen the all-episodes and all-movies playlists and let it capture the new shows durations. Then export your video library to seperate files so the nfo information is accurate in case something happens to your XBMC database.
I use ember media manager so I can easily get extrathumbs and add oddball genres that are missing. I get around the duration issue by opening up the playlist and playing each episode or movie for a second and moving down the list.
Time consuming for long list so I only do it when I have extra time on my hands and I am to lazy to do anything more constructive.
jtucker1972 Wrote:I've been reading up on sqlite. It is not very good at supporting multiple client connections to the database. Therefore, I am going to hedge against created a third-party app which would be making select and inserts at the same time XBMC is. This could cause some unforseen issues with the DB. So, in my opinion, it's a no go on the app development.

That is correct and one of SQLite's major weaknesses. It's really only a single connection database.

What can be done, and what I am actually in the process of doing, is adapting a program I had made some time ago which created nfos (that's where the code I provided to jtucker comes from) and adding the ability to insert these streamdetails tables only if XBMC is not running.

Currently it already has the ability to watch directories for new files, queues them for scanning, scans and creates nfos pulling info from either imdb or themoviedb, auto-renaming based on file templates and initiating a library update in XBMC.

@jtucker: Regarding the duration, unlike other media managers, I use the MediaInfo library to populate the nfo with the streamdetails. I'm not sure how comfortable you are working in C# but if you'd like share notes, I wouldn't mind having some help in adding in the SQLite coding. Either way, I'll try banging out a working version by the end of Sunday for everyone to have a go.
Sranshaft Wrote:That is correct and one of SQLite's major weaknesses. It's really only a single connection database.

What can be done, and what I am actually in the process of doing, is adapting a program I had made some time ago which created nfos (that's where the code I provided to jtucker comes from) and adding the ability to insert these streamdetails tables only if XBMC is not running.

Currently it already has the ability to watch directories for new files, queues them for scanning, scans and creates nfos pulling info from either imdb or themoviedb, auto-renaming based on file templates and initiating a library update in XBMC.

@jtucker: Regarding the duration, unlike other media managers, I use the MediaInfo library to populate the nfo with the streamdetails. I'm not sure how comfortable you are working in C# but if you'd like share notes, I wouldn't mind having some help in adding in the SQLite coding. Either way, I'll try banging out a working version by the end of Sunday for everyone to have a go.

You are probably 1000 times better at C# than I am. Been way to long since I've worked in Visual Studio at all. If your program can output the nfo's like XBMC does, then that may be the right approach. Use the other programs for managing thumbnails, fanart, etc, but not nfo's. Then like you said, trigger XBMC to update the video library via the JSON API VideoLibrary.ScanForContent call. This would pull in the nfo file and update everything as it should.

I will be glad to be your guinea pig in testing this.
jtucker1972 Wrote:As for, "The movies got picked up by Psuedo with no prior xbmc playback." then duration was captured in the background when a playlist was opened. According to Jonathan (an actual XBMC developer) it only gets captured during playback or when viewing a playlist. And Jonathan also stated that for iso's, it would only capture during playback.

If the nfo was output as these are, then XBMC would update the durations and other streamdetails just fine. However, I don't believe ANY media manager currently scrapes the video file header data to get the actual files duration. Rather, they depend on what the duration is based on imdb, themovie, thetvdb, or other movie or tv scraper. These are not necessarily the same as the file's actual duration.

You guys can say I don't know what I am talking about, but my test results have been validated by what Jonathan has stated.

First thanks for that link, it's bookmarked and I'm going to scour over it for info. Big Grin

Just so you know I don't want you to think I don't believe you. I'm reporting what is happening for me, and that could be for any number of reasons. I believe that you are having the issues you say. I don't know why but I'm not having the same issue you are.

The test I did worked this way - I first scraped the movie in Ember, this is also a file that never was played in XBMC to this point either. Then I went into XBMC and went to movies and ran the "update library" command. After that I picked a playlist that I knew would look for that movie and made it channel_1. I then ran PsuedoTV and it picked the movie right away.
I wanted to add my nfo that Ember made this is a nfo for a iso file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<movie xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <title>About Schmidt</title>
  <originaltitle>About Schmidt</originaltitle>
  <mpaa>Rated R for some language and brief nudity.</mpaa>
  <genre>Comedy / Drama</genre>
  <studio>New Line Cinema</studio>
  <director>Alexander Payne</director>
  <credits>Louis Begley (writer) / Alexander Payne (writer) / Bill Badalato (producer) / executive producer (producer) / Michael Besman (producer) / producer (producer) / Harry Gittes (producer) / producer (producer) / Rachael Horovitz (producer) / executive producer (producer) / Rolfe Kent (music by) / Custom Film Effects / E=mc²</credits>
  <tagline>Schmidt Happens</tagline>
  <outline>Warren Schmidt is a man in his 60's. While trying to run his daughter's life, he realizes that he wasted his.</outline>
  <plot>Warren Schmidt is forced to deal with an ambiguous future as he enters retirement. Soon after, his wife passes away and he must come to terms with his daughter's marriage to a man he does not care for and the failure that his life has become.</plot>
  <runtime>125 min</runtime>
    <name>Jack Nicholson</name>
    <role>Warren Schmidt</role>
    <name>Kathy Bates</name>
    <role>Roberta Hertzel</role>
    <name>Hope Davis</name>
    <role>Jeannie Schmidt</role>
    <name>Dermot Mulroney</name>
    <role>Randall Hertzel</role>
    <name>June Squibb</name>
    <role>Helen Schmidt</role>
    <name>Howard Hesseman</name>
    <role>Larry Hertzel</role>
    <name>Harry Groener</name>
    <role>John Rusk</role>
    <name>Connie Ray</name>
    <role>Vicki Rusk</role>
    <name>Len Cariou</name>
    <role>Ray Nichols</role>
    <name>Mark Venhuizen</name>
    <role>Duncan Hertzel</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Cheryl Hamada</name>
    <thumb />
    <name>Phil Reeves</name>
    <role>Minister in Denver</role>
    <name>Matt Winston</name>
    <role>Gary Nordin - Warren's Replacement</role>
    <name>James M. Connor</name>
    <role>Randall's Best Man (as James Micheal Connor)</role>
    <name>Jill Anderson</name>
    <role>Bridesmaid Reading St. Paul</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Vaughan Wenzel</name>
    <role>Man Mourning Helen</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Judith Kathryn Hart</name>
    <role>Woman Mourning Helen</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Marilyn Tipp</name>
    <role>Neighbor Lady (scenes deleted)</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Robert Kem</name>
    <role>Priest in Omaha (as Reverend Robert Kem)</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Melissa Hanna</name>
    <role>Dairy Queen Employee</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Tung Ha</name>
    <role>Frat Kid</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>James J. Crawley</name>
    <role>Other Frat Kid</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Mary Beth Nelson</name>
    <thumb />
    <name>Steve Heller</name>
    <role>Tire Store Employee (as Stephen Heller)</role>
    <name>Lester Kills Crow</name>
    <role>Native American Cashier</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Thomas Michael Belford</name>
    <role>Funeral Director</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>McKenna Gibson</name>
    <role>Six-year-old Jeannie</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Emily McNaughton</name>
    <role>Twelve-year-old Jeannie</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Beth Heimann</name>
    <role>Wedding Singer #1</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Linda Wilmot</name>
    <role>Wedding Singer #2</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Chris Huse</name>
    <role>Chuck Woodard (uncredited)</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Joe Kunze</name>
    <role>Partygoer #1 (uncredited)</role>
    <name>Angela Lansbury</name>
    <role>Herself (voice) (uncredited)</role>
    <name>Mark J. O'Leary</name>
    <role>Bartender (uncredited)</role>
    <name>Robert Kingston Phillips Green</name>
    <role>Male shopper (uncredited)</role>
    <name>Michael Tolochko</name>
    <role>Surly Denver Neighbor Taking Trash Out (uncredited)</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Ja'le Youngblood</name>
    <role>Bus boy (uncredited)</role>
  <fileinfo />
And here's a nfo file for avi/divx file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<movie xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <title>Red Sonja</title>
  <originaltitle>Red Sonja</originaltitle>
  <mpaa>Rated PG-13</mpaa>
  <genre>Action / Adventure / Fantasy</genre>
  <studio>Dino De Laurentiis Company</studio>
  <director>Richard Fleischer</director>
  <credits>Robert E. Howard (writer) / Clive Exton (writer) / Christian Ferry (producer) / producer (producer) / A. Michael Lieberman (producer) / executive producer (producer) / José López Rodero (producer) / associate producer (producer) / Ennio Morricone (music by) / Germano Natali</credits>
  <tagline>A woman and a warrior that became a legend.</tagline>
  <outline>The tyrant Gedren seeks the total power in a world of barbarism. She raids the city Hablac and kills...</outline>
  <plot>The tyrant Gedren seeks the total power in a world of barbarism. She raids the city Hablac and kills the keeper of a talisman that gives her great power. Red Sonja, sister of the keeper, sets out with her magic sword to overthrow Gedren. The talisman's master Kalidor follows to protect her. Of course they fall in love - however Red Sonja's power bases on the oath to never give herself to any man...</plot>
    <name>Arnold Schwarzenegger</name>
    <name>Brigitte Nielsen</name>
    <role>Red Sonja</role>
    <name>Sandahl Bergman</name>
    <role>Queen Gedren</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Paul L. Smith</name>
    <role>Falkon (as Paul Smith)</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Ernie Reyes Jr.</name>
    <role>Prince Tarn</role>
    <name>Ronald Lacey</name>
    <thumb />
    <name>Pat Roach</name>
    <thumb />
    <name>Terry Richards</name>
    <thumb />
    <name>Janet Agren</name>
    <role>Varna, Red Sonja's Sister</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Donna Osterbuhr</name>
    <role>Kendra the High Priestess</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Lara Lamberti</name>
    <role>Gedren's Handmaid (as Lara Naszinsky)</role>
    <name>Hans Meyer</name>
    <role>Red Sonja's Father</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Francesca Romana Coluzzi</name>
    <role>Red Sonja's Mother</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Stefano Maria Mioni</name>
    <role>Barlok, Red Sonja's Brother (as Stafano Mioni)</role>
    <thumb />
    <name>Tutte Lemkow</name>
    <thumb />
    <name>Kiyoshi Yamasaki</name>
    <thumb />
    <name>Tad Horino</name>
    <thumb />
    <name>Erik Holmey</name>
    <role>Warrior (uncredited)</role>
    <thumb />
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    <thumb preview="http://cf1.themoviedb.org/backdrops/0bd/4bc927b2017a3c57fe0100bd/red-sonja-thumb_thumb.jpg">http://cf1.themoviedb.org/backdrops/0bd/4bc927b2017a3c57fe0100bd/red-sonja-thumb.jpg</thumb>
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    <thumb preview="http://cf1.themoviedb.org/backdrops/c85/4cd128c77b9aa16b9b000c85/red-sonja-poster_thumb.jpg">http://cf1.themoviedb.org/backdrops/c85/4cd128c77b9aa16b9b000c85/red-sonja-poster.jpg</thumb>
    <thumb preview="http://cf1.themoviedb.org/backdrops/c85/4cd128c77b9aa16b9b000c85/red-sonja-thumb_thumb.jpg">http://cf1.themoviedb.org/backdrops/c85/4cd128c77b9aa16b9b000c85/red-sonja-thumb.jpg</thumb>
        <duration>88 min</duration>
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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script25